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Feedback on Terrace of endless spring

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Terrace of endless spring

Feedback post(will be updated when i do more content throughout the following weeks)

-10 normal mode


Protectors of the endless: they seem fairly fine haven't picked up any trouble yet.


Guide to killing them currently:


Start by bursting down Elder Regail FIRST! this is mega important or his lightning waves will pretty much wipe the raid when he gains a stack of sha corruption

While in this phase watch for lightning prison , have 1 healer dispel these when cast on players as to avoid taking tons of aoe damage if stacked up if your healer cant dispel it run out of the raid before it arms.


Then move on to killing Protector Kaolan

Watch out when you move into this phase for the corruption puddles on the floor as it will deal a fuck-ton of damage to anyone in the pools so its advised to just spread a bit.

If you decide to kill him last you will take a lot of damage raid wide and if your healers aren't that up to healing it up fast you may find problems with trying to kill him last.

Also from this phase onward Elder Asani will spawn a globe of water in the center of the room that needs to be killed asap or it will end up healing the boss's for 5% of there health every few seconds so just have 1 or 2 dps take care of it


Now we move onto the final phase just nuke down Elder Asani while sending 1 or 2 dps to take care of the orbs, take note to kill them near the stairs as if you don't you will immediately pull Tsulong

Tips on minimizing final phase complexity:

- Interrupt water bolt

- have someone dispel the buff that spawns on the boss

- get her down fast as the stacking aoe de-buff starts to tick for a true fuck-ton worth of damage if your dps is low

- any dps under 70k should be replaced



Tsulong: Phase 1(night)(damage boss) extremely buggy fight only 1 pool of light spawned on the whole encounter, no nightmare pools spawned either, and there was no shadow breath.

Phase 2 (day)(heal boss) is just missing no energy generating so it just never even got there.


How we ended up killing it (semi-exploit that should get looked into once the boss is fixed):


We took turns with the sunbeam to clear stacks at about 10-20 trying to avoid staying in it the beam ended up de-spawning at about 50% we took the boss near to the stairs and anyone who died just released and entered immediately to drop stacks we repeated this for a good 5 minutes on to kill the boss.


The good news is he is skip-able by just hugging the wall up to the next boss


Lei Shi: Currently nothing works on this boss it doesn't even melee it can even be soloed by a single dps the chest spawned after its killed can be looted repeatedly till it de-spawns for new loot every time



Sha Of Fear:doesn't melee, spams an ability that does 0 damage and swaps targets every second it does how ever spawn the adds just fine and they work 100%

the adds that spawn can only be dps'd from the back 2 spawn every few minutes and cast piercing bolts that do about 80k damage to any player in the hit radius and de-buffs them

with a 10% per stack shadow damage buff


How we killed it:

was 4 dps left and right where assigned to adds (mdps) 2 warriors 2 rogues 1 of each on either side , the rest was just tank and spank our tank went dps as-well for the fight on the second run we did.


Hope this post help's both players and dev's to overcome the current bugs in the new raids! peace and best of luck with all this!


- Zyclone

I had that issue to make sure your in a raid group your cache was cleared and that the raid isnt bugged out there is a big grouping issue on the server only way around it is to remake the raid! hope this helped!
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