Elkam Posted May 16, 2014 Posted May 16, 2014 Hello, I have bug during selling items to vendor. After selling them some of them are staying gray and i cant move them or do anything with them, after relog they stay in inventory and i have to sell them again(im not geting paid until they dissapear). [ATTACH=CONFIG]34209[/ATTACH]
Trexar Posted May 16, 2014 Posted May 16, 2014 Selling have 1sec CD so if you sell to quick its get bugged and you need to switch bags or relog and its get fixed.
sysx Posted June 1, 2014 Posted June 1, 2014 usually when you selling items to the vendor shoudn't have any cooldown and must be instant. not like right now with a cooldown of 1 second which the items beign "gray" and not sellable. i think that they're trying to make it like retail - official blizzard world of warcraft servers (if anyone played there he or she knows very well what i mean). anyway when you go in a portal or beign teleported or relogging ingame the gray items can be selled.
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