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Guild Achievements


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1. Guild Achievements

2. When we do run in instances, battlegrounds etc with specific number of guild members in group, it should count as guild run, more info here http://www.wowwiki.com/Guild_achievements.Right now it doesn't seem to count guild members in run at all, also no guild achievements from anything, reputation, legendaries, overall guild achievements seems to not work at all.

That makes pets, mounts, recipies and lots of other stuff unobtainable, since its connected to guild achievements. Can't get 7th bank slot coz of the same thing it seems.

3.Guild achievements should work, we should be able to make guild groups too in instances and battlegrounds.

4. Tested on 25 may 2014, though it's a thing that all with guild can see all the time. :)

5.Realm (x5/Fun)

6.Priority of the problem - I'm not sure. I guess 5/10 overall since it's not game breaking, but having guild achievements and groups work is really important for pve and for pvp guilds, so while it may be 1/10 for people without guild, it can be 10/10 for people in good guilds that wanna farm raids for rare achievements/mounts, or do rated battlegrounds for pvp ones.

  • 3 months later...

Guild achievement work now. :)

Guild groups still don't count in instances though, probably in bgs too, but other then that seems to be working perfectly.

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