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Lucifuge's Quest Report

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Posted (edited)

Updated: 05/30/2014


Quest additions are denoted with red names.


Note: To avoid the creation of multiple threads this thread will be updated as I find broken quests, and as I see the quests are fixed they will be added to a section at the bottom of the thread.


Broken Quests: Molten Front


Name: Embergris

Problem: The creatures on The Ashen Fields should drop the item, Embergris; however, the loot isn't on their loot tables.

Resolution: Embergris should be added to the creatures' loot tables.

Test Date: 05/26/2014

Realm: PandaWoW Fun

Priority: 5/10


Name: Hounds of Shannox

Problem: The Charhounds and Ancient Charhounds on the Molten Front don't drop the Houndbone Ash needed to complete the quest.

Resolution: Houndbone Ash should be added to the creatures' loot tables.

Test Date: 05/26/2014

Realm: PandaWoW Fun

Priority: 5/10


Name: Fandral's Methods

Problem: The required objects don't spawn in the Igneous Depths on the Molten Front.

Resolution: The four required gameobjects should be spawned in the Igneous Depths.

Test Date: 05/26/2014

Realm: PandaWoW Fun

Priority: 5/10


Name: Fire in the Skies

Problem: The Trained Firehawk isn't flagged as a vehicle; therefore, players can't right click the creature to use it to complete the quest. As of now, there isn't a way to determine if the remainder of the quest is broken.

Resolution: Flag the Trained Firehawk as a vehicle, and ensure that players can use it to fly to the other ledge to slay the required mobs.

Test Date: 05/26/2014

Realm: PandaWoW Fun

Priority: 5/10


Name: Singed Wings

Problem: Players are not given credit for right-clicking the Druids of the Talon that lay on Fireplume Peak.

Resolution: Add a right-click ability that heals the druids.

Test Date: 05/26/2014

Realm: PandaWoW Fun

Priority: 5/10


Name: How Hot

Problem: When using Tholo's Thermometer around the lava pools, players are not given credit.

Resolution: The lava pools need an areatrigger that rewards players credit when using the thermometer nearby.

Test Date: 05/26/2014

Realm: PandaWoW Fun

Priority: 5/10


Name: Mother's Malice

Problem: The Fire Hawk Matriarchs reside at the uppermost levels of Fireplume Peak, which is unreachable right now.

Resolution: Add a creature or an invisible areatrigger that grants players the Convalescence of Winds buff when they're nearby.

Test Date: 05/26/2014

Realm: PandaWoW Fun

Priority: 5/10


Name: Starting Young

Problem: The Fire Hawk Hatchlings are located at the top of Fireplume Peak; therefore, players can't reach them.

Resolution: Add a creature or an invisible areatrigger that grants players the Convalescence of Winds buff when they're nearby.

Test Date: 05/26/2014

Realm: PandaWoW Fun

Priority: 5/10


Name: The Bigger They Are

Problem: The Obsidium Punishers on Fireplume Peak drop the required item for the quest on the ground at death. The problem is they don't do that here, nor do they have a loot table. Also, there is only one punisher on the entirety of Fireplume Peak.

Resolution: Add Living Obsidium Chip to the loot table of the Obsidium Punisher mob, and spawn more of them on the peak.

Test Date: 05/26/2014

Realm: PandaWoW Fun

Priority: 5/10


Name: Fire Flowers

Problem: The gameobject, Fire Flower, doesn't spawn in its proper location: Igneous Depths.

Resolution: Add eight (8) or more Fire Flowers to the Igneous Depths.

Test Date: 05/26/2014

Realm: PandaWoW Fun

Priority: 5/10


Name: Into the Fire

Problem: The quest can be completed by slaying a Pyrelord; however, the creature that players need to turn the quest into isn't on the upper level of the Molten Front.

Resolution: Add a portal at Malfurion's Breach to the Molten Flow (which is below the Molten Front) because players are in one phase on the Molten Front, and that makes it impossible for us to reach the Molten Flow.

Test Date: 05/26/2014

Realm: PandaWoW Fun

Priority: 5/10


Name: A Ritual of Flame

Problem: The quest never completes because the portal to the Molten Front is already opened.

Resolution: Make the quest auto-complete.

Test Date: 05/26/2014

Realm: PandaWoW Fun

Priority: 5/10


Name: Through the Gates of Hell

Problem: The quest can't be completed because Malfurion Stormrage (the quest giver) never casts Start Foothold Completion Event on the player.

Resolution: Add this spell to players when they accept this quest, and it should complete when entering the Molten Front. Alternatively, this could be made to auto-complete.

Test Date: 05/26/2014

Realm: PandaWoW Fun

Priority: 5/10


Name: Supplies for the Other Side

Problem: The gameobject, Blueroot Vine, isn't spawned in Mount Hyjal.

Resolution: Spawn a bunch of Blueroot Vine around the quest area.

Test Date: 05/26/2014

Realm: PandaWoW Fun

Priority: 5/10


Name: Between the Trees

Problem: The quest can't even be accepted by players.

Resolution: I'm not entirely sure.

Test Date: 05/27/2014

Realm: PandaWoW Fun

Priority: 5/10


Name: Call the Flock

Problem: The quest can't even be accepted by players.

Resolution: I'm not entirely sure.

Test Date: 05/27/2014

Realm: PandaWoW Fun

Priority: 5/10


Name: Relieving the Pain

Problem: Seething Firelords are invisible to players; therefore, they can't be killed for the collection of the Flame-Wreathed Hearts.

Resolution: Add the Seething Firelords to a separate section of Sethria's Roost.

Test Date: 05/27/2014

Realm: PandaWoW Fun

Priority: 5/10


Name: Perfecting Your Howl

Problem: The quest can't even be accepted by players.

Resolution: I'm not entirely sure.

Test Date: 05/27/2014

Realm: PandaWoW Fun

Priority: 5/10


Name: Peaked Interest

Problem: Players can't reach the top of Fireplume Peak to collect the egg.

Resolution: Players need the Convalescence of Winds buff to reach the top.

Test Date: 05/27/2014

Realm: PandaWoW Fun

Priority: 5/10


Name: Those Bears Up There

Problem: The quest can't even be accepted by players.

Resolution: I'm not entirely sure.

Test Date: 05/29/2014

Realm: PandaWoW Fun

Priority: 5/10


Name: Punting Season

Problem: The quest can't even be accepted by players.

Resolution: I'm not entirely sure.

Test Date: 05/29/2014

Realm: PandaWoW Fun

Priority: 5/10


Name: The Wardens are Watching

Problem: Marin Bladewing doesn't follow the player to place a trap that players can lead an injured Druid of the Flame into.

Resolution: Make the quest auto-complete, or give credit for killing a Druid of the Flame.

Test Date: 05/29/2014

Realm: PandaWoW Fun

Priority: 5/10


Name: Into the Fiery Depths

Problem: The quest taker is Theresa Barkskin; however, she will not accept the quest.

Resolution: Ensure that the correct flags are assigned to Theresa Barkskin, and that she is assigned to accept said quest.

Test Date: 05/30/2014

Realm: PandaWoW Fun

Priority: 5/10



Insufficient Quests:


Quests that I label as insufficient are those that take longer to complete due to a lack of quest objectives being available to players; therefore, making it take longer to complete the quests.


Name: The Harder They Fall

Problem: There is only one Molten Behemoth spawned in the Magma Springs.

Resolution: Spawn three or more behemoths throughout the Magma Springs area.

Test Date: 05/26/2014

Realm: PandaWoW Fun

Priority: 5/10


Name: The Flame Spider Queen

Problem: There is a lack of Cinderweb Creepers in The Widow's Clutch area.

Resolution: Spawn more Cinderweb Creepers in The Widow's Clutch area.

Test Date: 05/26/2014

Realm: PandaWoW Fun

Priority: 5/10



Fixed Quest Archives:

[url=http://db.pandawow.me?quest=29143]Wisp Away[/url]
[url=http://db.pandawow.me?quest=29204]The Warden's Charge[/url]
Edited by Lucifuge
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