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Hello, so i've been looking for Savage and Portent ( http://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=50850 and http://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=50843 ), im not sure how are they working or if they are even spwaned at the server, they should both be only hunter trackable pets with a certain path way where they leave foot prints behind that only hunters can see, therefore using flare to find the correspondent npc's since they are prowling, they both have 2 hours spawn time, this is how they should work. Now i've been trying to track them for quite a while already and i've got no luck. And the question is the following, does anyone have any idea if they are even spawned or if they are are they working properly in order to be tracked down? I may of been simply unlucky and allways missing their spawn time, but on other hand ive not spotted down any of those as a hunter's pet so far.


Thank you for the further feedback.

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