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<hey im mvp> FUN


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Welcome to the offical recruitment topic of hey im mvp on the Fun realm


Firstly : Whoever does not like copy names / anything else that is related to copy , then leave rigth now and dont leave comments here with swearing , etc

Secondly : Our guild started a few days ago and we are growing pretty fast ! Prooves that the guild roster with a few top players and the rest with better then the hight average !

We are a PvP guild , and we are looking for members that are willing to join the guild .... BUT we also have requirements for the join..

Requirements :

Min. 2400 Personal rating in 2v2 or 3v3 brackets ...

But even if you have the rating you will be tested in either : Duels with several guild members , Few arena games to see how can you use your class and to see your playstyle (LoS/Dispel/CC/Survivability):shock:


There are also exception classes wich will be mentioned later when we decide how will we reduce the requirement for them.:secret:


Some Rules (beta)

-You can speak to your pals however you want but dont let it go all way to swearing ... The mute rank is stronger


Rankings :

-Gladiator : Top Players on 1 of the 3 realms

-Champion : 2.2k+ in 3v3

-Rival : 2,6k+

-2.4k : Member

-Trial : Trial rank for new members that got in by skill and not by rating

-Starter : Fresh invite rank

-Bad : Mute




This Topic and the guild recruitment is only a BETA yet... but if any change comes up , we'll let you know !


If you are interested in joining our ranks , look for our -

-Guild Master : Anticide/Anusrapistjr

-Officers : Dotliciousv/Trezalicious , Minpojke/Goindawnx , Razghul/Abngodx


Guild Member's rankings:

(Guild Master)Anusrapistjr : 3k in 2s and 2.4k in 3s

(Officer)Minpojke : 3k in 2s and 2.3k in 3s

(Officer)Razghul : 2.8k in 2s and 2.1k in 3s

(Officer)Dotliciousv : 2.4k in 2s (Full malevolent a few tyrannical)


Strasni : R1 Mage on Pandawow 100x and Fun (2978 in 2s and 2.3k in 3s):appl:

Magetrainer : R2 Mage on Pandawow Fun (2912 in 2s ):appl:

Nickiminajqt : Magetrainer's ALT


Ryudaa : 2.6k in 2s

Cráze/Crazé : 2x R1 Rogue on Arena-Source , and a pretty good Priest

Lacey : 2.5k in 2s

Devillok : 2.5k in 2s

Deathed : 2.5k in 2s (he doesnt play too much)

Lemonshock : 2.4k in 2s

Phunkx : 2.4k in 2s

Jimcontrol : -Trial-

Guruji : -Trial-

Rimerz : -Trial-

Lémonfármerx : -Trial-


There are a few more Trial members who will be mentioned later , and also ALTs


Thanks for taking your time to read this and see ya in-game ! :D

Edited by Dryanus
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