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<hey im mvp> FUN


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Welcome to the offical recruitment topic of hey im mvp on the Fun realm


Firstly : Whoever does not like copy names / anything else that is related to copy , then leave rigth now and dont leave comments here with swearing , etc

Secondly : Our guild started a few days ago and we are growing pretty fast ! Prooves that the guild roster with a few top players and the rest with better then the hight average !

We are a PvP guild , and we are looking for members that are willing to join the guild .... BUT we also have requirements for the join..

Requirements :

Min. 2400 Personal rating in 2v2 or 3v3 brackets ...

But even if you have the rating you will be tested in either : Duels with several guild members , Few arena games to see how can you use your class and to see your playstyle (LoS/Dispel/CC/Survivability):shock:


There are also exception classes wich will be mentioned later when we decide how will we reduce the requirement for them.:secret:


Some Rules (beta)

-You can speak to your pals however you want but dont let it go all way to swearing ... The mute rank is stronger


Rankings :

-Gladiator : Top Players on 1 of the 3 realms

-Champion : 2.2k+ in 3v3

-Rival : 2,6k+

-2.4k : Member

-Trial : Trial rank for new members that got in by skill and not by rating

-Starter : Fresh invite rank

-Bad : Mute




This Topic and the guild recruitment is only a BETA yet... but if any change comes up , we'll let you know !


If you are interested in joining our ranks , look for our -

-Guild Master : Anticide/Anusrapistjr

-Officers : Dotliciousv/Trezalicious , Minpojke/Goindawnx , Razghul/Abngodx


Guild Member's rankings:

(Guild Master)Anticide : 3k in 2s and 2.2k in 3s

(Officer)Minpojke : 3k+ in 2s and 2.3k in 3s ...r1 Last Season

(Officer)Razghul : 2.8k in 2s and 2.1k in 3s

(Officer)Dotliciousv : 2.4k in 2s


Strasni : R1 Mage on Pandawow 100x and Fun (2978 in 2s and 2.3k in 3s):appl:

Magetrainer : R2 Mage on Pandawow Fun (2912 in 2s ):appl:

Nickiminajqt : Magetrainer's ALT


Ryudaa : 2.6k in 2s

Cráze/Crazé : 2x R1 Rogue on Arena-Source , and a pretty good Priest

Lacey : 2.5k in 2s

Devillok : 2.5k in 2s

Deathed : 2.5k in 2s (he doesnt play too much)

Lemonshock : 2.4k in 2s

Phunkx : 2.4k in 2s

Jimcontrol : -Trial-

Guruji : -Trial-

Rimerz : -Trial-

Lémonfármerx : -Trial-


There are a few more Trial members who will be mentioned later , and also ALTs


Thanks for taking your time to read this and see ya in-game ! :D

Edited by Dryanus
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Damn 2,1k atm and whit no idea when enter playing again but hope u find nice guildies whit that set of req, at least organized u guys r (that for sure xd) dont know any1 of that player but i guess there r rly good at those class! a lot of mages tho! xd have fun!



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Damn 2,1k atm and whit no idea when enter playing again but hope u find nice guildies whit that set of req, at least organized u guys r (that for sure xd) dont know any1 of that player but i guess there r rly good at those class! a lot of mages tho! xd have fun!




thanks :D you too have fun while not playing

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(Officer)Dotliciousv : 2.4k in 2s (Full malevolent a few tyrannical) - This is an Alock right? I saw him yersterday and he is mostly Tyrannical and some Griv. And has like 2050 raiting with +180 wins. I dont consider that as good. If you really want a good guild you should have atleast skilled Officers . So why you lie in the Forum? I know you , Raz and Mini . All stats are True , but not that Dot guys. Maybe you shall Edit it .
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Yea, i was 2.4k then i tried capping with random russians.We all know how that went.And 90% of the time i played double dps in 2's gimmie a good resto shaman/holy paladin i won't lose a single arena.Oh yea i was playing with a clicking balance druid LOL Edited by hunter1999
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(Officer)Dotliciousv : 2.4k in 2s (Full malevolent a few tyrannical) - This is an Alock right? I saw him yersterday and he is mostly Tyrannical and some Griv. And has like 2050 raiting with +180 wins. I dont consider that as good. If you really want a good guild you should have atleast skilled Officers . So why you lie in the Forum? I know you , Raz and Mini . All stats are True , but not that Dot guys. Maybe you shall Edit it .


maybe i should

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Being fanboy it's not bad it means that you watch people play which doesn't make you better player, but you can learn something that can help you in arena's, bg's and so on. As for the rating it doesn't mean shit it just depend on what comp you play. I can play dps/healer and get to 2k with half malevolent gear but to play 20 min games or just play as 2xdps and be at 1500 rating and get fast wins.
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  • 2 weeks later...

I dont even read the forums, just saw the reply now lol.

Why would I want to join a wnb. gud guild with bounch of bad randoms who have 2k on broken shit mop server and think they are good, but we all know they/you are not even decent rofl.

I can make a guild right now and get some real glads from skype here, mates that I did play with before on retail, np. (thinking while typing; why do i even bother myself with a random downie like you xd srs cba cu).

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This guild is if not the biggest joke on the server the amount of raining hell they get is hilarious to watch when they advertise, If not adorable when they defend themselves, it's kind of like a cute puppy(Them) and a semi-truck(English Channel). They get steam rolled half the time and Minpojke knows about the armor bug, My war hits 2k's -9k's on his ass during arenas Pus**storm 16k if lucky. Nothing but a bunch of exploiters with 0 skill rolling geared chars on a bugged MOP server claiming they are "skilled" Good luck with the guild though, hope you pass Guild Master to someone with some brains, maybe Dot? At least he has skill and brains. ~AtTheThroat:bomb:
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