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Inscription problem

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Posted (edited)

1. Name spell: Scroll of wisdom, Northrend Inscription Research, Minor Inscription Research


2. Description of the problem: I can't learn 4 glyphs - Whit Northrend Inscription Research, Minor Inscription Research I'm getting "Nothing left to discover"


3. How it must work: After craft these spells, you can learn :

Minion Inscription Research - Glyph of the Luminius Charger

Scroll of wisdom or Northrend Inscription Research: Glyph of Inferno Blast, Glyph of the innocent

Scroll of wisdom: Glyph of Focused Wrath


4.Date when you tested it: 10.07.2014

5.Realm (x100/x5/Fun): x100

6.Priority of the problem: 9/10



Edited by juanmitazh
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