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Hello guys!


Today I'll show you macros to use if you are Hunter, this guide is directed to people who haven't played or want to learn more about hunter so here we go.


Before anything, If you don't use keybinds, I really recommend you to learn and use it! It helps a LOT!


So, I'll put all my macros and a description of what it does.


#showtooltip Aspect of the Hawk


/cast !Aspect of the Hawk


This macro is really helpful, it stop the casting of your shots and put you in Aspect of the Hawk, also, if you click again the button it doesn't desactivate the aspect.


#showtooltip Aspect of the Cheetah


/cast !Aspect of the Cheetah


Same as the Aspect of the hawk macro but with the Aspect of the cheetah.


#showtooltip Feign Death


/cast Feign Death


It stop your casting and use Feign death, sample but really useful.


#showtooltip Flare


/cast !Flare


Because sometimes you're casting and you see a rogue or a druid using stealth so, it'll stop your cast and use Flare, really sample but really important.


#showtooltip Scare beast


/cast [target=focus, exists] Scare beast; Scare beast


I use this macro for put in fear the druids and hunters pets. If you have a focus it will cast scare beast on him (if is a beast) a good option can be use a mod macro, but I found it better for my play style.


#showtooltip Tranquilizing shot


/cast [target=focus, exists] Tranquilizing shot; Tranquilizing shot


Stop your casting, cast tranquilizing shot to your focus (if you have one) or to your target if you don't.



#showtooltip Scatter shot


/cast [target=focus, exists] Scatter shot; Scatter shot


Same as the previous macro, but with Scatter shot, I use it to CC while I'm attacking someone else.


#showtooltip Roar of sacrifice

/cast [@player] Roar of sacrifice


Roar of sacrifice is an awesome spell, learn to use it. This macro will use Roar of sacrifice on yourself.


#showtooltip Master's call

/cast [@player] Master's call


It'll use Master's call on yourself, you can add a mouseover function to the macro if you want to make it a most powerful macro.


#showtooltip Kill Shot




/cast Kill Shot

/cancelaura Deterrence

/cancelaura Hand of Protection


#showtooltip Wyvern Sting


/cast [target=focus, exists] Wyvern Sting; Wyvern Sting


Really good to do CC, if you have a focus it will use Wyvern Sting on him and if you don't it will use the spell on your current target.


You cann't attack while you are in deterrence, so this macro could save a game, it cancel hand of protection or deterrence and cast Kill shot (our execute as hunters)



I'm not the best hunter, and I'm far to be, this is my first guide, all your constructive comments are welcome and if another hunter have a useful macros you can post it here, let's make it a good macros colection.


If you see some errors in the guide, comment it please, my native language isn't english but I really want to help the new hunters with this macros.


And don't forget it, the practice makes the master, you can have tons of macros but if you don't know what do your spells or your enemy the macros won't help.

Edited by Lektzz
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