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Broken unusable hunter pets

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1. Name of not working spell; calling the pet that is bugged/broken

2. Description of the problem: sometimes, not sure exactly in what condition hunter pets become uncallable, unsummenable, and not able to be abandoned, the only thing you can do with them is let them sit in the stables.

3. How it must work: pets should be able to be called/ abandoned at all times

4. Date when you tested it:144 june-14 juli 2014 i have 3 broken pets in stables, im not the only hunter with this problem

5. Realm (x100/x5/Fun): PandaWoW x100

6. Priority of the bug; 9/10, what happens when all stable full of broken pets? dont say roll a new hunter.

i dont think stampede or the stampede bug is related, thats another bug on its own that when using stampede without glyph pets are lost, i have it glyphed and use stampede without problem.
  • 2 months later...
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