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Question about CP and the new Season

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Hello guys!


I have a few questions, as I saw in the forums pandawow is going to be in the 5.4.8 patch soon:




That was a message the past month but nobody cares about that.


I just want to know, could I loose my conquest points when we go to the new patch?


Thanks in advance :music:


Juster message here: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=70540

Wtf. They said this month. But we are no longer in June. Could someone give us a date, when will update actually happen?

Same sh*t like always... a lot promises, next week, 1-2 weeks, another weeks, bla bla.


When mol10 has new mop exp, 40% of all player will leave this server.


Idk... just saying.

Same sh*t like always... a lot promises, next week, 1-2 weeks, another weeks, bla bla.


When mol10 has new mop exp, 40% of all player will leave this server.


Idk... just saying.

mol10 is a horseshit server, it'll take ages for them to reach panda-wow's progress. They can't even fix their WotLK realms and they're old as fuck

mol10 is a horseshit server, it'll take ages for them to reach panda-wow's progress. They can't even fix their WotLK realms and they're old as fuck


Yeah when i was playing GD a lot of people were transfering from there because ot that. But i feel like treir servers are dying so they will work harder on the mop exp.

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