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I find it so annoying to how many mistweave monks there are now.. I have joined 7 arenas and all of them in a row have had a mistweave monk in it, not even the same person just all different people, they are so overpowered. I hit 100k on a monk twice and he completely healed back up with 2 spells. its making this very hard to win anyone the same? :mad:

u even have a partner ? :P

if u do have healer partner (let him cc monk and u kill other) ofc cc him after his partner like 60-40% hp

if u r 2 dps ,,, only 1 way to kill monk :D cc him and kill fast use ur trinkets if u got fast cc by his partner ,,, we used to kill monks in 5 sec with mage war combo :D or 2 mages

Posted (edited)
Spherebot monks?Thats the only way to get max skill cap.Spam spheres.Ignore Healing over Time instants.No spheres in WoD :diablo: . Edited by Frostshotz
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Lol... MW are a pain but they aren't unkillable. You just have to keep pressure on them and use your silences, interrupts, and CCs. Once you force them to spam their healing spheres they will goo OOM quick and then u just burn' em!

nah not like this ^^ they have a partner u know :D he wont let u both go all in all time :D

only way to kill monks is to 1 shoot them idk how u want to do it .. but that's the way here :D or to cc them till their partner is dead and gg wp :D


The only team i faced this days that rly make me anoying as mw its mage/rogue, in my defense my mage (mw/mage) was full tyran, but the way they manage to cc me was so amasing that i say when they finish my partner was GGWP, in not a bug sphere-monk, any1 that play on FUN realm and for any chance play whit my mw (Xnife) can say that, i faced other mw comps and out healed hem whitout even use 1 sphere (besides the 1 that came out cus mastery), monks here r buged to hell but that dosnt mean that we all have to be in that big bubble!, the only way monks rly lose any match its that the enemy comp outgeared hem or in middle a rly good cc chain, otherwise, try make the most damage u can and wait the best buff on the game!!



I have 2 arena partners, DPS and Healer, with the healer I'll do what you said. and with my dps only once yesterday we managed to kill a monk we used all our spells.
  ziloks4 said:
hi can u tell me the leveling guide on this game im new and i would like to much if u tell me

Okay heres a quick leveling guide.

If you have no level 90 friends on the server to help you out. go to each zone one by one in your level range and kill the mobs there until you're the max level for the zone, for example if you're human level at Elwynn Forest from 1-10 by killing mobs then go to the next zone. Darkshore 10-20. its very easy takes about 6 hours from 1-90

if you have a level 90 friend to help you. just go to uldum, there is a place with stairs completely covered in mobs but I frogot the name so just go to The Cursed Landing. takes about 15 minutes 1-85 then go to pandaria and kill mobs. Simple.


- - - Updated - - -


You can use this website http://www.wowwiki.com/Zones_by_level

he said he is new ^^ he need to level up by himself ... and better after lvl 55 to do some quests also since killing mobs become slower than questing (1 quest/area that include killing some mobs so u do 2in1)

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