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on retail or here? here i'm over 3k on mage 2.8 on ele (Without pushing my best). Retail s14 I had 4 r1 mages of my own + 3 more from blazingboost I had to do , 2 r1 ele shams and 1 sp. s15 im currently 2.9 + on 2 mages and 1 shaman but I don't play actively due to army and + It's hella frustarting to play mage vs LSD LSD2 MonkLS and KFCs.
on retail or here? here i'm over 3k on mage 2.8 on ele (Without pushing my best). Retail s14 I had 4 r1 mages of my own + 3 more from blazingboost I had to do , 2 r1 ele shams and 1 sp. s15 im currently 2.9 + on 2 mages and 1 shaman but I don't play actively due to army and + It's hella frustarting to play mage vs LSD LSD2 MonkLS and KFCs.


Seeing your ui i was expecting that you are high rated. So can you compare players on retail and here. Is the diffrence really big?

Posted (edited)
Well , to be honest yeah. Most ppl have no clue how to play the game even on "high" ratings. There's a lot of bugs that allow them to climb the ladder aswell as the lack of quality players , but playing 2s is a joke let's be honest . It's very simple u just tunnel 1 target and cc. there's no cross cc and swaps n shit playing heal dps. Then you see those "high" rated players queue 3s and getting farmed whilst in malevolent gear because of their lack of exp and knowledge on the tactic that u will follow against each comp. You can see on the sshot that I'm playing RMS setup with players loony and praii which are considered to be the best on EU atm on their classes. Trying anorthodox comps is really good cuz u're trained to find ways to beat something whilst not running a tier 1-2 setup. Tho Rogue Mage synergy is really strong atm. Edited by Ideepyou

tnx for explaining I was wondering about that fancy UI..


anyway someone asked me why my every single ability is macro-ed including pvp trinket, well easy to explain, but many macro-s area actually macro-s that cancel bladestorm and do alot of useful stuff, target arena 1,2,3, focus arena1,2,3 or mouseover,party 1,2,3,intervene+intervene banner but all my spells are macros because I use script in macro which disables annoying text "that ability is not ready yet" or "not in range", or "not enough rage" and annoying voice...

Ideepyou I have one question to you, what comps do you run in 2s and in 3s? Please don't tell me LSD KFC of things like that because I have no idea of what is that :'(
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