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3k players here are equal to starting 1.5k players you will get arena against on AT, get over it. If you play here for rating and you're proud you achieved 2.8k here or something like that then just delete wow.


I never saw enemy in arena here doing such thing as focus kick or focus reflecting polymorphs cyclones etc etc... BUT they dont need such things... You ask why? because everyone is abusing something to improve their damage done drastically.

To be honest I'm getting bored here, every single 2s comp is dual dps comp-s that are based on high damage even though these classes have CC they are mostly used to train healers


one guy told me "heal/Dps comps are stupid and for braindead people" I was like what the fuck, what are supposed healers to play, maybe double healer comps??

I actually don't have anything against dual dps comps. but since rogues are bugged here and deal 65% more damage when combined with http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=146631/glyph-of-hemorrhaging-veins etc... And warriors charge + pop "SWIFTY" aka all their cd-s in 1 macro and afterwards use skillstorm, and in the most of the times, healer dies in few seconds aka in cheap or kidney shot. Dual DPS comps are very viable if played correctly, for example hunter and retribution paladin in past expansions had to keep 1 enemy in CC while slowly bursting other one and in final CC, after enemy pop'd all of their defensive cooldowns, they burst it, but usually arenas like that take a while, so it's fun playing against THAT 2 dps not against 2 dps comp in which you die in few seconds. Honestly, I can't wait for WOD to release, they adjusted cooldown stacking and made game more fun to play. Less CC etc.. I will sub immediately once it does release.

Kind regards,



thats exactly why i moved back to retail


Your right.80% of warrs here use noobstorm,even without being near their target.Warrs in mop have nothing else to do than spam 3 spells and wait for noobstorm.If they go low,just rallying cry thats it.In WoD all warrs will reroll,because second wind is nerfed alot(get rekt vanilla-mop warrs,u wont be missed.)


whole lot of anger towards warriors. If you're getting 1 shot at high mmr 2s/3s against a war or double dps comp then you need to go back and learn your class. Most importantly, you and your teammate(s) have no clue how to use your defensive/crowd control spells effectively to survive a burst and then counter.

You have had a bad experience doing arena and you follow that up with generalizing the majority of the pvp community here with negative remarks about their "skill" level. If you think of yourself as some sort of elitist then by all means go ahead and focus on AT more than you play here: Unless you guys are 1500 players that QQ on LFG yourself? Side comment, I reroll/recreate classes all the time on AT and find myself beating 2800+ players at 2200 rating without much difficulty. The point is that there are good and bad players in every bracket, at every rating, in every server, and every realm. Stop blaming the server for your inability to do competitive pvp in arenas. Take a note from the community leader boards on us/eu WoW and take the time to learn your class. nuff said.

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whole lot of anger towards warriors. If you're getting 1 shot at high mmr 2s/3s against a war or double dps comp then you need to go back and learn your class. Most importantly, you and your teammate(s) have no clue how to use your defensive/crowd control spells effectively to survive a burst and then counter.

You have had a bad experience doing arena and you follow that up with generalizing the majority of the pvp community here with negative remarks about their "skill" level. If you think of yourself as some sort of elitist then by all means go ahead and focus on AT more than you play here: Unless you guys are 1500 players that QQ on LFG yourself? Side comment, I reroll/recreate classes all the time on AT and find myself beating 2800+ players at 2200 rating without much difficulty. The point is that there are good and bad players in every bracket, at every rating, in every server, and every realm. Stop blaming the server for your inability to do competitive pvp in arenas. Take a note from the community leader boards on us/eu WoW and take the time to learn your class. nuff said.

I know my class,and how to use cc with it.I never mentioned about that i never survive the bladestorm,neither that i dont know how to beat anyone in arenas.I was talking about most warrs on fun realm(not all some know much more) that dont know how to play their class.And if i need to use any kind of cc warrs just trinket it(mortla coil) and then once they use berserk rage,i just fear them and get a chaos bolt off.If its in world pvp i just wait for trinket and drop a cobalt frag bomb and same chaos bolt.


p.s. most rating doesnt matter in alot of cases.Still skill is better than higher rating.

whole lot of anger towards warriors. If you're getting 1 shot at high mmr 2s/3s against a war or double dps comp then you need to go back and learn your class. Most importantly, you and your teammate(s) have no clue how to use your defensive/crowd control spells effectively to survive a burst and then counter.

You have had a bad experience doing arena and you follow that up with generalizing the majority of the pvp community here with negative remarks about their "skill" level. If you think of yourself as some sort of elitist then by all means go ahead and focus on AT more than you play here: Unless you guys are 1500 players that QQ on LFG yourself? Side comment, I reroll/recreate classes all the time on AT and find myself beating 2800+ players at 2200 rating without much difficulty. The point is that there are good and bad players in every bracket, at every rating, in every server, and every realm. Stop blaming the server for your inability to do competitive pvp in arenas. Take a note from the community leader boards on us/eu WoW and take the time to learn your class. nuff said.




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