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OK I'm f**ked ^^^^

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Just completed the Legendary Thunderfury, after long long and hard work on my sham (jk) and dadaaaa the Boss didnt show up. Me veri sad now plz help
Posted (edited)

Quest line works exactly as in retail, and that's a big problem yea, but it's blizz decision.

After you complete the chain Prince does show up(did it, got the weapon and feat of stregnth all works perfectly here) the only problem is he doesn't show next to you, you can check in wowhead where he does show. So if you don't get to him right away, you lose the chain. Since you don't have quest at this point if you don't know where he shows up, or if someone is there and kills it no legendary.


One of the reason most ppl that do that chain at this point are very nervious returtning the quest, it's really easy to lose the legendary if you aren't careful here.


It's really messed up way imo, but that's how it works in retail too. Sadly if you didn't kill it after you returned the quest, there is very good chance you won't get thunderfury, coz there is no quest you have now probably, and next quest item you get after you kill the prince.


If you decide to do it on alt, just check before where prince shows, make sure there aren't high levels around and then return quest. After that fly to prince kill it, take quest item, take quest - return to npc and get the weapon. All works here, just need to be careful.


P.S. As far as I know Prince Thunderaan won't respawn till someone else finish the quest.

Edited by shmu
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