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Character: Cadei.

Game Versione 5.4.2 , i download the game with PandaWow archive.

Problems: I don't see my Professions just the first one (alchemy), i have all profession main/alt (alchemy/herbalism-cooking/fishing/archeology/firstaid)

, aso when i find some item in AH the item not found always, and if i see normal search i find this, also i open one ticket and when GM answer i didn't see the asnwer just i see only the windows without answer, also when i change the language of wow in ITA (my language) my Carbonite didn't work anyway i try to reinstall it, but just icon work on wow map/quest ecc didn't work, my downalod always is on 0% some1 say all have this problem but i dunno when game is full downaloded maybe some problem is for this.

How i try to resolve problems: i try to solve my problems in this way, try to delete cache, fix char in control panel, try to relog, try to do /reload, try to restart pc/internet, i wait for one crash of the server but didn't work.

Screenshot: [ATTACH=CONFIG]53680[/ATTACH]

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