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Demonic Gateway Bug (Priority: 10/10!)


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Posted (edited)

Spell: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=111771/demonic-gateway


[spoiler=Issues]* Can be casted anywhere. For example you can place the portal on Lumber Mill (in Arathi Basin) and spawn it downstairs, means you can portal up with it, which is not how it should be. Or another example is summoning it on the bridge in Blade's Edge (Arena map) and spawn it downstairs, means you can teleport up...


* You can also stop some1 in mid-air with CC.


* Gateway buff should be on the warlock, not the gateway itself


* Visual bugs out when you gate, other players can't see the gate visual (when you're mid air)


* If you are feared and you click gate, you get the debuff


* If a warrior charges you in gate, he follows you all the way back to the other side



[spoiler=How it should work]


* Should only be able to summon it on the same groundlevel as the Lock. Means you shouldn't be able to summon this portal where the floor is higher than you (if that made any sense)...


* Buff should be on the warlock (https://gyazo.com/50f1468bc931fb4dc5cca3f668135634)


* Shouldn't be able to use it in roots


* Shouldn't be able to stop some1 in gate. If you get CC'd mid air, you should still be porting over to the other side, but should still be in cc!


* Should see when players are in gate


* If you click the gate with fear up, you shouldn't get the gateway debuff


* If a warrior charges you, he should only stop like half way-ish



Realm: Fun Realm & x100


Priority: 10/10. Extremely game-changing if you see a Lock suddenly port to a place where it takes you 30 seconds - 1 min to get to him, where all he/she has to do is press one button and "outplays" you...


How to reproduce: Gate -> then charge right after. you will stop him.


How to reproduce the stop part: Gate -> Deep Freeze the target when he's mid air = he gets stuck in middle of the map. Rip





Proof for the charge part: https://embed.gyazo.com/5930081cfca75ad6db24331d0573e353.gif + https://embed.gyazo.com/1bbfbb122845efcf95387a9206e84548.jpg


Gateway buff proof: https://gyazo.com/50f1468bc931fb4dc5cca3f668135634



Edited by Repitchx
  • Like 3

Still bugged in 5.4.8, And apparently you can also fear gates - after that, they will fallow warlock like a pet , still usuable tho..

Also they don't have any charges of use, so you can use them off limit / untill gates disappears.

Spell: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=111771/demonic-gateway


Issue: Can be casted anywhere. For example you can place the portal on Lumber Mill (in Arathi Basin) and spawn it downstairs, means you can portal up with it, which is not how it should be. Or another example is summoning it on the bridge in Blade's Edge (Arena map) and spawn it downstairs, means you can teleport up...


How it should work: Should only be able to summon it on the same groundlevel as the Lock. Means you shouldn't be able to summon this portal where the floor is higher than you (if that made any sense)...


Realm: Fun Realm & x100


Priority: 10/10. Extremely game-changing if you see a Lock suddenly port to a place where it takes you 30 seconds - 1 min to get to him, where all he/she has to do is press one button and "outplays" you...


If I didn't make myself clear enough, I can record it for you guys and show you what I mean.


U cant place it on a higher level,but u can place it on a lower groundlevel so it works properly other than the pet thing and no animation.

like you can even get a port off in the first place.. heroic leap charge across half of the map and 50% health after you come out of the charge stun
  • Like 2
  • 2 months later...
  • 1 year later...
at least make it so that you cannot connect your gate to that of other warlocks since that bug is so fucking aids for warlocks, if you try to take your own gate and it ports it to that of the opponent because it is the closest one, making gate 100% useless
at least make it so that you cannot connect your gate to that of other warlocks since that bug is so fucking aids for warlocks, if you try to take your own gate and it ports it to that of the opponent because it is the closest one, making gate 100% useless


ah ye. will add. also u can stop gate with cc rofl. like charge can fuck ur gate


- - - Updated - - -


edit: added 2 new bugs to it. :)

like you can even get a port off in the first place.. heroic leap charge across half of the map and 50% health after you come out of the charge stun


this this this xD leap animation bugged AF so only the best mages seem to be able to petnova that cancer

  • 4 months later...
Posted (edited)

If you have 2 warlocks and the gates are close, they will connect to each other


That don't happens, used to happen time ago but they fixed it


Also there is another bug, you can clic the portal under cc, but ou don't get teleported, so you eat the 1min debuff for nothing.

Edited by Señorpujo
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)
every time that we get cc while mooving from 1 portal to the other is like wtf is going on..


More like




Retarded 70IQ warriors spaming charge anytime it can be pressed at 9yard range.


- - - Updated - - -


Gateway has ALOT of bugs. But for now I would say the most important thing is that you should always travel the distance no matter what.

Edited by Autschbatsch
More like



Retarded 70IQ warriors spaming charge anytime it can be pressed at 9yard range.


- - - Updated - - -


Gateway has ALOT of bugs. But for now I would say the most important thing is that you should always travel the distance no matter what.


that part will get fixed today (if it wasnt yesterday) :D

Posted (edited)

Basic rules which always apply (how it was on retail):



You should only be able to use gateway when you are not in: Any CC besides Silence/Disarm-effects.


It should not be possible to get the gateway debuff without traveling to your second gateway's location.


You would always travel the distance no matter the hell what happened after you clicked.


Can find more over time when I see some recorded stuff.


Since I despise warriors on pandawow here the first proof how it was on retail:

Charge could be used on a gating target, but it would not make them charge far at all.


*it would not make them charge far at all*


Pay attention to the fire trial to see where charge was.

Edited by Autschbatsch

Proof how CC interacted with gateway, example "Dragons Breath"



As you can see breath is on CD, shaman is on his way to second gateway.


Shaman is at the other gateways location, now is in Dragons Breath.


Credit to Waaz for linking me.


- - - Updated - - -


I will provide more proof as I go over my recordings.

  • Like 1



This has not really something to do with gate cause it's a latency behaviour. You can Demonic Circle: Teleport such spells aswell. But at least it shows that you will be moved while getting stunned after clicking gateway.

Spell: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=111771/demonic-gateway


[spoiler=Issues]* Can be casted anywhere. For example you can place the portal on Lumber Mill (in Arathi Basin) and spawn it downstairs, means you can portal up with it, which is not how it should be. Or another example is summoning it on the bridge in Blade's Edge (Arena map) and spawn it downstairs, means you can teleport up...


* You can also stop some1 in mid-air with CC.


* If you have 2 warlocks and the gates are close, they will connect to each other


* Visual bugs out when you gate, other players can't see the gate visual (when you're mid air)


* If you are feared and you click gate, you get the debuff



[spoiler=How it should work]* Should only be able to summon it on the same groundlevel as the Lock. Means you shouldn't be able to summon this portal where the floor is higher than you (if that made any sense)...


* Shouldn't be able to stop some1 in gate


* Shouldn't connect to each other


* Should see when players are in gate


* If you click the gate with fear up, you shouldn't get the gateway debuff



Realm: Fun Realm & x100


Priority: 10/10. Extremely game-changing if you see a Lock suddenly port to a place where it takes you 30 seconds - 1 min to get to him, where all he/she has to do is press one button and "outplays" you...


If I didn't make myself clear enough, I can record it for you guys and show you what I mean.


How to reproduce: Gate -> then charge right after. you will stop him.


How to reproduce the stop part: Gate -> Deep Freeze the target when he's mid air = he gets stuck in middle of the map. Rip





You should add that the gate constructs quickly compared to pandawow that takes like 10 seconds...

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