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Can't change language

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No, unfortunately it's not working.

I have tried replacing it by editing it, by replacing it with the download, changing the language in the interface and it's still Russian.

Posted (edited)

i have the same problem , please if someone could help ...i really can't play this game in russian

and i must say that i've tried everything that is told at the instructions . soo... please :D

Edited by cristianmd

/push !


I got the same problem. Like the others, I tried many different ways but I can't get it running.

Maybe someone should upload the english files from the /Data folder...

Do you downloaded your game via torrent?


Yeah of course. Ive done everything the instructions say and tried some things myself. Even re-downloaded the whole game. I have no idea what to do anymore.

Im having exactly the same problem, as well as 3 of my friends who just downloaded the torrent. Pelase someone help us out, we are really looking forward to play here. :)

http://geekpic.net/dt-Z07JNX.png http://geekpic.net/dt-7232M6.png http://geekpic.net/dt-X90PXH.png

If your client isn’t saving your settings, every time you face client license agreement. Open game folder and find 2 files: Config.wtf (it is in WTF folder) and PandaWoW-64.exe (or PandaWoW-32.exe, based on which you launch game by.) Right click this files and chose Properties. Take a look at parameter of “Only Read”, if it is checked, uncheck it. Then click Apply. Now you can launch game and see results, saving changes must work. Don’t forget for safe save you will need to close your game by Exit game time out. If you changed settings and happened not planed server turn off, settings might not be saved.


I FOUND A WAY HOW TO SOLVE THAT PROBLEM: First before u login u have to uncheck every (reading-only) mark then unlock the launcher (properties:unclock) on the 32 or 64 bits then go to WTF/config change the ruRU to enEN i think it works with enGB or enUS too but i did it with enEN then delete the torrent , open ur torrent program and remove the seeding and it should work it worked for me ! :) P.S. before deleting the torrent and remove the seeding i loged in the game and changed my language to english then exit wow and delete the torrents


- - - Updated - - -


Deleting all the torrents connected with pandawow is the key , it sounds wierd but its true !!! :D hope i helped someone :D

Last post is true. I simply deleted the files from the torrent-programm and changed the "ruRU" in the config-file with "enGB" - and it worked. If you delete it in the programm, you don't even have to change something in the settings.
http://geekpic.net/dt-Z07JNX.png http://geekpic.net/dt-7232M6.png http://geekpic.net/dt-X90PXH.png

If your client isn’t saving your settings, every time you face client license agreement. Open game folder and find 2 files: Config.wtf (it is in WTF folder) and PandaWoW-64.exe (or PandaWoW-32.exe, based on which you launch game by.) Right click this files and chose Properties. Take a look at parameter of “Only Read”, if it is checked, uncheck it. Then click Apply. Now you can launch game and see results, saving changes must work. Don’t forget for safe save you will need to close your game by Exit game time out. If you changed settings and happened not planed server turn off, settings might not be saved.

Thank you so much friend,


login to the wow 64 or 32 bits (depends on your computer) change the language exit the game open your torrent program delete the seeding (which is connected with padnawow) and the run wow again ! It really works me it sounds wierd but ... oh and unblock it by left click properties on wow ! Hope i helped someone :)


- - - Updated - - -


Deleting the seeding is the key believe it or not !

http://geekpic.net/dt-Z07JNX.png http://geekpic.net/dt-7232M6.png http://geekpic.net/dt-X90PXH.png

If your client isn’t saving your settings, every time you face client license agreement. Open game folder and find 2 files: Config.wtf (it is in WTF folder) and PandaWoW-64.exe (or PandaWoW-32.exe, based on which you launch game by.) Right click this files and chose Properties. Take a look at parameter of “Only Read”, if it is checked, uncheck it. Then click Apply. Now you can launch game and see results, saving changes must work. Don’t forget for safe save you will need to close your game by Exit game time out. If you changed settings and happened not planed server turn off, settings might not be saved.

Continuing the problem :(


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