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Change language


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Hello everyone, well I would like to report a bug that is happening to me regarding the change of language, I'm not Russian, so when I go, I will in the settings and I select the option to change the language and I select my that is the PT / BR and then a message appears saying that wow needs to be restarted, but when I open wow again, it is in Russian and has not changed for my language, I looked at a tutorial of changing language here but the forum was not in my language but in English and a few others. Well if anyone can help me or even send me a link to download the language PT / BR I'd appreciate it. :)

http://geekpic.net/dt-Z07JNX.png http://geekpic.net/dt-7232M6.png http://geekpic.net/dt-X90PXH.png

If your client isn’t saving your settings, every time you face client license agreement. Open game folder and find 2 files: Config.wtf (it is in WTF folder) and PandaWoW-64.exe (or PandaWoW-32.exe, based on which you launch game by.) Right click this files and chose Properties. Take a look at parameter of “Only Read”, if it is checked, uncheck it. Then click Apply. Now you can launch game and see results, saving changes must work. Don’t forget for safe save you will need to close your game by Exit game time out. If you changed settings and happened not planed server turn off, settings might not be saved.



Mostly this error appears because of Internet explorer settings. To fix it, start up the browser and turn off “standalone mode”. Turn off and restart browser. If it was off, turn it on and then again turn off between browser restarts. At least turning off should help (helps in 90% of times).

[spoiler=If turning off didn’t helps.]For fully turning off standalone mode u will need to fix registery.

Click “Start”, then “Run”

In tab type "regedit" and click OK

Regedit will open up. Go HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings and change value GlobalUserOffline to “0”. This can be done by double clicking in lane and in opened window tick "0".


  • Start up browser, now standalone mode in IE is truly off.
  • Be sure your use newest version of Adobe Flash Player.
  • Check security program settings, antivirus and firewall – they might block connection to game. Turn off everything, try if it doesn’t work turn them back on.
  • Some of users managed to fix by dropping “routing table”. For this u will need to go for next steps: Attention! Your internet connection will be down in process! You might need to restart PC if your internet connection will not get fixed by himself.


  1. Click “Start”, then “Run”.
  2. In popped tab enter “cmd” and click OK
  3. In opened window enter command “Route-f” after entering command your internet connection will go down.
  4. “Start” > ”Control panel” > ”Network connections” > right click on “Local connection” and click “Repair”.


  • Clean folder C:\windows\prefetch
  • Open file “Config.wtf” (if it doesn’t open up, u can use program WordPad) redact next: SET gxAPI "OpenGL" SET Sound_EnableAllSound "0" SET gxWindow "1" if on turning OpenGL this error disappears, this means the problem was with your video card.
  • Someone fixed the error by restarting PC or just turning off and back on internet.
  • Finish all background programs.
  • Go to game folder, find Pandawow.exe. Right click it and chose “Run compatibility troubleshooter”, then “Choose default”. Click “Run program”. Wait for launch, if u get error this option isn’t for you.


Note: My Adobe Flash Player is the latest version.


I also tried to do what you taught me by disabling internet explorer Stand alone and did not find this option it, what do I do now? :(


- - - Updated - - -


Create it


How do I create it?


Note: My Adobe Flash Player is the latest version.


I also tried to do what you taught me by disabling internet explorer Stand alone and did not find this option it, what do I do now? :(


I managed to leave PT / BR to play and sometimes without any problem, the strange thing is when I iconify the game to see something, and I go to the game, of this error. http://prntscr.com/4qs3dp


- - - Updated - - -


The times of this error even when opening.


go to your wow directory, open wtf folder and open config.wtf file with notepad or word pad or notepad++ then delete everything and copy and paste this text then save it

for spanish wow game client this is for you:

SET locale "esES"

SET installLocale "esES"

SET realmlist "logon.pandawow.ru"


I have the exact same probem... i found some ways that have worked for other people but they didnt wok for me and now im stucked :(


- - - Updated - - -


go to your wow directory, open wtf folder and open config.wtf file with notepad or word pad or notepad++ then delete everything and copy and paste this text then save it

for spanish wow game client this is for you:

SET locale "esES"

SET installLocale "esES"

SET realmlist "logon.pandawow.ru" i did it with enGB and the same error appeared then i tried with enUS , same .....


- - - Updated - - -


go to your wow directory, open wtf folder and open config.wtf file with notepad or word pad or notepad++ then delete everything and copy and paste this text then save it

for spanish wow game client this is for you:


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