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[h=2]4 - Error #134 and #132[/h]




Normally this error is caused by damaged or removed files. In some cases it appears if the game was installed on used hard disk with damaged sectors or on computer with damaged/not suitable operation system. Try following solutions of which will help u to deal with problem.



  1. Checking Ram of your computer will help u to find errors in it. For this download and install Windows Memory Diagnostic.
  2. Be sure your use latest drivers for your motherboard. Drivers for your motherboard can be downloaded from your video card company’s official website. You use instructions by developers of the game.
  3. Important step – It’s downloading new client, in case your old one might be damaged. You should download it from official website or from our, fixed and ready to launch. Only this two clients can fit security requirements and quality. Any other client might be damaged or had viruses.
  4. If you have two or more hard disk, new client should be installed in different hard disk. So the problem might be caused by your hard disk – damaged parts on hard disk.
  5. Open file Config.wtf (if it doesn’t opens, try using program WordPad) redact next (if this lines doesn’t exists, try adding them)
    • SET gxAPI “OpenGL”
    • SET Sound Sound_EnableAllSound “0”
    • SET gxWindow “1”
    • If by turning off OpenGL this error disappears, Seems the problem was caused by video card.


[*]Enter game folder, find Pandawow.exe, right click it on icon and chose “Run compatibility troubleshooter”, then “default parameters”. Chose “launch program”. Wait launch, if you get error, try re do it with opened IE, if in last u still get error, this option isn’t for you.

[*]Also program DLL Suite might be useful for you. Find actual version in internet and install.

[*]If this instruction didn’t helped you, follow This rules. Open new tread in This section, if tread will not be created by rules, it might get closed without any response or help. Administration will answer it in following 1-2 days.

Original post created by Титан.



Even though I can't confirm anything, I think that LUA files that are contained in Interface/AddOns created by developers have some kind of flaw that causes this crash.

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