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We can help you if...:

  • If you bought wrong service for your character as: "change faction", "change race", "change nickname", "change appearance". We can not refund the whole amount, but we can recover the difference in the cost of services and give you other service instead of purchased.
  • If you changed faction but your boots or weapon didnt follow over to the your new side we can send you right items.


  • If you wrongly sent your character to the same account (you through it's transfer between realms) we can refund the whole amount of coins.
  • Sometimes we can also help if you sent your character to the wrong account, but depending on the situation.


  • If you bought an item mount/companion/equipment for the wrong character/class/faction we can exchange this item, but there are some limitations - we don't exchange most of the items you can transmogrify.
  • If you wrongly bought an item or service twice at the same time because of any error on the site we can refund the amount for one item or service.
  • If you lost an item bought recently (less than 30 days ago) in the shop we can send this item again to this character, but there are some limitations - item shouldn't be consumable or "Binds when equipped".


  • You've made a donation but do not get gold coins, contacted the payment service and they said you need to contact our administrator. Create a topic in our forum and upload all screenshot and answer of the payment service.
  • You've lost donation coins from your accout and you think your account was hacked. We can give you bonus logs for this month where you will see who made the last purchases. We can't refund bonuses, but probably it will help you to find the scammer or it will help the GM to punish this player.


We can't help you in these cases:

  • We will decline your topic if you don't write a reason for refund or exchange. It should be not only on the screenchots but also in the text.
  • We will decline your topic if purchasing was made more than 30 days ago.
  • We will decline the double of topics or topics created not by the rules and have not all needed information.


  • We don't do refund for any currencies. In all cases. All purchases of currencies are not refundable.
  • We don't do refund for leveling.
  • We do not refund donation coins for premium transmogrification.
  • We do not refund donation coins for arena resetting.
  • We do not refund donation coins for unmute or unban. In all cases.


  • We don't refund coins spent on character if he already deleted or sold.
  • We don't refund coins spent on character if he was restored but lost all equipement and inventory.
  • We don't refund coins spent on character if when buying a character you are not convinced of the presence or absence of something (even if the seller claimed otherwise) and we don't give items instead of missing ones.
  • We don't refund coins spent on character and don't refund characters sold by accident.
  • We can’t help , if you have “agreed” with someone to sell your character and buy someone else to “exchange”, and the person has not fulfilled his promises. You carry such a frauds at your own risk, and if they are not fulfilled, we will not ban anyone for refusing to buy a character or to take from someone a character which, he refused to sell. We will not return a sold character either, if it is sold according to the rules of control panel.
  • We do not return bonuses and do not return characters, if you were promised for some items in the inventory / currencies on the character / mounts / achievements, and you didn't see them in the control panel, and after the purchase you found out that they are not on the character. We are not responsible for the characters sold by the players or for the character descriptions given by these players. You can always check the character before buying it, and everything that you do not see on it - you take on your own responsibility.


  • We don't do an exchange, do not refund donation coins and do not give reputations needed for using any item bought in the shop. Read information about item very carefully.
  • We don't do an exchange and do not refund donation coins if you bought transmogrificable equipement and weapon even if they have wrong faction or class includes challenge sets.
  • We don't do an exchange and do not refund donation coins if bought item can be equipped or used by this character.
  • We don't do an exchange and do not refund donation coins if bought item have other colour/modell/level/mode, not like you thought.
  • We don't do an exchange and do not refund donation coins if you need other character level to use bought item.
  • We don't do an exchange and do not refund donation coins if you bought an item not in the "transmogrification" section and can't transmogrify it.
  • We don't do an exchange and do not refund donation coins if bought item is not account-wide.
  • We do not refund donation coins, if you create topic in donate section and buy an item we should send you by yourself. And we will not accept your claims after you'll get this item again per ingame mail.


  • All donations made through the site are final, Donation coins cannot be exchanged back into a real currency.
  • We may refuse to refund coins for an item/service or to exchange an item for another if the player contact us in 48 hours or more after receiving the item/service.



Please read very carefully TERMS OF USE AND REFUND POLICY before donation.

Please ask in this section if you do not understand any things before purchasing. We will try to explain you all.

But remember: if you will create your topics in a rude, expressive, disrespectful manner Game Master can answer to you the same. Therefore please try to be polite and calm.

Do not lie. Please. You have more chance to get positive reply if you will say the truth. At least, the reply can be polite even if you had no chance. But if you will lie, GM will see it - we read your "true stories" every day and we see who is liar. And we don't like to help these people.



[spoiler=Services in control panel. Work with character]

[spoiler=1.1. Change faction (race/nickname/appearance)]

- You will see a menu for changing faction, when you log into your account. You can change race, name and sex for your character.

If you bought service "Change nick/gender", you can change sex, look and nickname of your character.

If you bought service "Change race", you can change sex, look, nickname and race (in your faction) of your character.

If you bought service "Change faction", you can change sex, look, nickname and take race of other faction.


You cannot change your class.


[spoiler=1.2. Character transfer. What i can transfer in control panel and how? I transfered character to the other realm, but my character is lost!]

- With this service you can transfer character only to other account.

We don't do transfers between realms/servers!

If you used this service and lost your bonuses, create topic with your problem in this section by these rules.


[spoiler=1.3. How does buying a character level work?]

- The amount of experience is not updated, it is transferred from the previous level. It changes only character level.


[spoiler=1.4. Buying of honor points, conquest points and other currencies.]

The most common problem: "Bought conquest points, but they have not been added."


You can't get more honor or conquest point then your cap. If you've already got it in the game then after buying in the control panel you will not get currency.

We don't refund bonuses in this case.


[spoiler=1.5. Unban and unmute.]

Attention! Sometimes the control panel display the mute but it can be only visual bug. Always check it in the game and purchase unmute only after!


We do not refund donation coins for unmute or unban even if you bought unmute because of visual bug.


[spoiler=1.6. Premium transmogrification.]

How it works:


[TABLE=class: grid, width: 0]


[TD=align: center]Премиум | Premium[/TD]

[TD=align: center]1Р дробящее 1H Maces[/TD]

[TD=align: center]1Р топор 1H Axes[/TD]

[TD=align: center]1Р меч 1H Swords[/TD]

[TD=align: center]2Р дробящее 2H Maces[/TD]

[TD=align: center]2Р топор 2H Axes[/TD]

[TD=align: center]2Р меч 2H Swords[/TD]

[TD=align: center]Посох Staves[/TD]

[TD=align: center]Древковое Polearms[/TD]

[TD=align: center]Кинжал Daggers[/TD]

[TD=align: center]Кистевое Fists[/TD]

[TD=align: center]Жезл Wands[/TD]

[TD=align: center]Лук Bows[/TD]

[TD=align: center]Арбалет Crossbows[/TD]

[TD=align: center]Огнестрельное Guns[/TD]

[TD=align: center]Щит Shields[/TD]

[TD=align: center]Левая рука Off-hands[/TD]

[TD=align: center]Ткань Cloth[/TD]

[TD=align: center]Кожа Leather[/TD]

[TD=align: center]Кольчуга Mail[/TD]

[TD=align: center]Латы Plate[/TD]



[TD]1Р дробящее | 1H Maces[/TD]

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[TD]1Р топор | 1H Axes[/TD]

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[TD]1Р меч | 1H Swords[/TD]

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[TD]2Р дробящее | 2H Maces[/TD]

[TD=align: center]+[/TD]

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[TD]2Р топор | 2H Axes[/TD]

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[TD]2Р меч | 2H Swords[/TD]

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[TD]Посох | Staves[/TD]

[TD=align: center]-[/TD]

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[TD]Древковое | Polearms[/TD]

[TD=align: center]-[/TD]

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[TD]Кинжал | Daggers[/TD]

[TD=align: center]+[/TD]

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[TD]Кистевое | Fists[/TD]

[TD=align: center]+[/TD]

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[TD]Жезл | Wands[/TD]

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[TD]Лук | Bows[/TD]

[TD=align: center]-[/TD]

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[TD]Арбалет | Crossbows[/TD]

[TD=align: center]-[/TD]

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[TD]Огнестрельное | Guns[/TD]

[TD=align: center]-[/TD]

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[TD]Щит | Shields[/TD]

[TD=align: center]-[/TD]

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[TD]Левая рука | Off-hands[/TD]

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[TD]Ткань | Cloth[/TD]

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[TD]Кожа | Leather[/TD]

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[TD]Кольчуга | Mail[/TD]

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[TD]Латы | Plate[/TD]

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[TABLE=class: grid, width: 0]


[TD=align: center]Без Премиума | Without Premium[/TD]

[TD=align: center]1Р дробящее 1H Maces[/TD]

[TD=align: center]1Р топор 1H Axes[/TD]

[TD=align: center]1Р меч 1H Swords[/TD]

[TD=align: center]2Р дробящее 2H Maces[/TD]

[TD=align: center]2Р топор 2H Axes[/TD]

[TD=align: center]2Р меч 2H Swords[/TD]

[TD=align: center]Посох Staves[/TD]

[TD=align: center]Древковое Polearms[/TD]

[TD=align: center]Кинжал Daggers[/TD]

[TD=align: center]Кистевое Fists[/TD]

[TD=align: center]Жезл Wands[/TD]

[TD=align: center]Лук Bows[/TD]

[TD=align: center]Арбалет Crossbows[/TD]

[TD=align: center]Огнестрельное Guns[/TD]

[TD=align: center]Щит Shields[/TD]

[TD=align: center]Левая рука Off-hands[/TD]

[TD=align: center]Ткань Cloth[/TD]

[TD=align: center]Кожа Leather[/TD]

[TD=align: center]Кольчуга Mail[/TD]

[TD=align: center]Латы Plate[/TD]



[TD]1Р дробящее | 1H Maces[/TD]

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[TD]1Р топор | 1H Axes[/TD]

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[TD]1Р меч | 1H Swords[/TD]

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[TD]2Р дробящее | 2H Maces[/TD]

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[TD]2Р топор | 2H Axes[/TD]

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[TD]2Р меч | 2H Swords[/TD]

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[TD]Посох | Staves[/TD]

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[TD]Древковое | Polearms[/TD]

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[TD]Кинжал | Daggers[/TD]

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[TD]Кистевое | Fists[/TD]

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[TD]Жезл | Wands[/TD]

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[TD]Лук | Bows[/TD]

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[TD]Арбалет | Crossbows[/TD]

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[TD]Огнестрельное | Guns[/TD]

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[TD]Щит | Shields[/TD]

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[TD]Левая рука | Off-hands[/TD]

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[TD]Ткань | Cloth[/TD]

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[TD]Кожа | Leather[/TD]

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[TD]Кольчуга | Mail[/TD]

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[TD]Латы | Plate[/TD]

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[spoiler=Buying items.]

[spoiler=2.1. I want to buy some item in control panel, but I can't find it there. How can I buy this item?]

- Write your request in this thread. If it's an item of old content or content already implemented in the game, we could add it to the store.


[spoiler=2.2. I am Horde. If I'll buy in control panel item for alliance i'll get in the game horde version of this item?]

No, You will get item that you bought. If you'll buy alliance item - you'll get alliance item. If you'll buy horde item - you'll get horde item in the game.




[spoiler=Payment services.]

[spoiler=3.1. My country/operator is not available in the SMS service. Please add it.]

- We cannot add any country/operators in SMS service because it is a third-party service, it doesn't belong to our project, we are just using their services.

If your country/operator is not available in this service we can't help you. Try to use other service (Paymentwall).


[spoiler=3.2. Service, which I used earlier or would like to use is missing / disappeared from the list of available payment services. Add / Return it.]

- We can't add or remove any services in control panel, because it is a third-party service, it doesn't belong to our project, we are just using their services. If any payment method is missing or disappeared, we can't help you, it is done on the initiative of the payment system. Please use another payment method.


[spoiler=3.3. What service can i use? Who is responsible for the security of the data that I send?]

All services for project donations that you see in control panel - third parties providing their services to our project. Therefore, all the data that you send, remains with them.

If you decide to donate the project some money, choose the most convenient service for you, for our project there is no difference what a service you will use.


Basic possibilities that provide the following services:


- Payment via SMS to the service number.


- Mobile payment Mobiamo

- Bank transfer

- Payment by credit card

and other


A set of services can be changed at the discretion of the payment service, providing the service.

If any of the services become unavailable at some moment we can not influence the situation. Use another service for payment.


[spoiler=3.4. How long until bonuses appear on my account?]

- Bonuses enrollment occurs instantly or within a few hours. If hosting is not available and bonuses do not come immediately, then your request is automatically duplicated. If bonuses don’t come during the day, then write to Tech support of payment service and create a topic in this section by these rules


[spoiler=3.5. I bought bonuses in the control panel, but bonuses didn't come during the day or longer.]

- Read rules for this section and write to Tech support of payment service.


[spoiler=3.6. Cannot buy bonuses per card / SMS / other service: it always says payment denied/card blocked, but i have money. Why?]

There can be several reasons:

  • This payment service is temporarily unavailable.
  • You have chosen the service that does not work with your country / operator / bank / credit cards / payment terminal. You can clarify this per ticket in control panel or per email to payment service.
  • Payment can not be made, because after a possible transfer on your account will remain insufficient amount. Most mobile operators and banks set a limit of money that should remain on your account after the payment. If you have in the account only the amount of translation and the remainder does not remain, the translation will not be done.
  • You have exceeded the limit of transactions per day / week / month, etc. Considered not only donations made to the project, but all operations per card / mobile transfers / translation from eWallets for a certain period. Such protection against fraud has a large number of companies offering cards / mobile communications / eWallets.
  • Payment service blocks your number / card on suspicion of fraud. Clarify this and resolve the situation by contacting them per email or ticket in control panel.


How to contact techsupport of payment service:

[spoiler=SMS-Oplata Service]

Per email: support@sms-oplata.org

or (if you speak russian) on their web site: http://www.sms-oplata.org

Send a message with a description of your problem, be sure to include the following at very least:

- Your name

- Your email


- Date and time of transaction, text (When you sent SMS, SMS text)

- Your phone number (Include country code!) and phone number to which you've sent SMS

- Which answer you've got (SMS with code or message with error)

- Your Mobile Operator

- Your Country



You can contact their tech support in your control panel:


Select "my account" and click "Missing Bonuses?"

If your payment was in fact processed by PaymentWall, your transactions show on the next screen (if you were charged they should be there). What you're looking for here is the start Inquiry button. From there you can communicate directly with PaymentWall.

Send a message with a description of your problem, be sure to include the following at very least:

  • Which service you've used? (SMS, credit card, bank transfer...)
  • Date and time of transaction
  • Your phone number (Include country code!) and phone number to which you've sent SMS
  • Amount paid
  • What you sent in SMS (Text)
  • What happened (you didn't got SMS with code/you've got SMS with error and so on)






[spoiler=Requests processing.]

Don't take any action to improve the situation, until you get a clear answer in the topic: your bonuses or item will be returned or you will get change race/faction etc. All your costs will be considered by your conscious decision and will not be returned.

[spoiler=4.1. My topic was closed with answer "Item will be sent/bonuses will be returned. Please wait". How long should I wait?]

- A few days (Sometimes a few weeks or more in special cases). It is a positive answer and it means all information has been sent to the administrator. He'll send to you all the items in a few days.

Please don't create new topic about the same problem or with question "when i'll get my item/bonuses?".


[spoiler=4.2. My topic was closed with the answer "Sorry, we can't help You". What is that? I want answer from other GM or administrator!]

- GMs who work in this section have instructions from the administrator. He (administrator) decides to answer either positively or negatively. If you have received a negative answer, then it was decided by the administrator, GMs cannot do anything about it, they just posted the answer.


[spoiler=4.3. My topic was closed with the answer "We'll check your account logs, please wait".How long should I wait?]

A few days (Sometimes a few weeks or more in special cases). When administrator comes to send items, he'll give to GMs all account logs. Just wait when administrator will work with topics in this section.

GM will check logs in 1-2 days after this and give you answer, refund, sending or rejection.


[spoiler=4.4. My topic still unanswered. What's going on?]

- If your topic still without an answer, that means that:

1) Maybe your request doesn't have enough data: you didn't write all information about your problem/purchase or you haven't got screenshots or other proofs. Please write all information by rules.

2) The problem requires the attention of an administrator. And when he'll give his answer, then you'll get answer in your topic.


[spoiler=4.5. I've said in my topic that i want a bonuses back. I don't need other item!]

The replacement of the item/service have the higher priority then bonuses refund. Therefore, we replace the item if it is possible.




Note: Read information about items before purchasing.

You can find all infotrmation on www.wowhead.com or click on item on control panel.

If you didn't know information about bought item - it is not a reason for refund.


Topics that are not according to the rules will be declined without explanation. Not so hard to read the two topics in the header of the section.

Don't take any action to improve the situation, until you get a clear answer in the topic: your bonuses or item will be returned or you will get change race/faction etc. All your costs will be considered by your conscious decision and will not be returned.

Double posts will be closed without explanation. Wait for the answer in the first post.




Temporary actual problems and issues:


- Some playes can't change faction/race/name/face. There is a trick: for some reason one hair colour with one face feature may cause it glitchy restriction, therefore just change the name and face, and use first hair and first hair colour. And then change the hair colour and other in the barber shop.

If that does not help, create topic in this section and describe your problem by rules.



Edited by Buka
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