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frost dk damage 2

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not working spells: spell_deathknight_classicon spell_deathknight_frostfever spell_deathknight_empowerruneblade2 spell_frost_arcticwinds


Description of the problem: a few days ago i was enter in my dk. when i went to bg i noticed that i am bugged because my obliterate hit 30k, my fevers hit 7k, aartic winds hits 5-10k is very strange because i am full grevious so i think that mi dk is bugged.7


How it must work. the obliterate should hit 60-80k in grevious chairs and with not geared 80-160k the artic wind must hit 20-30k my fevers 15 -22k


Date when you tested it: the monday and today

Realm (x100/x5/Fun) : x100


Priority of the problem. (1-10) : 10/10 because this spells is all of my chair in this case the frost dk


chair name: Profanio


Evidence of the probleblem: [ATTACH=CONFIG]58299[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]58300[/ATTACH] try to fix my pj plz.


in the first image is all of my gear and the second is the damage that i did.

obliterate 30k and the fever 3k the artic wind 16k how is posible

Edited by beberey
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