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First of all I would like to suggest to add all the Challenge Mode transmog gear for donation (Bonuses). It is unavailable for the Fun realm to get them (I don't know for X10 and X100 realm) since Mists of Pandaria Dungeons are closed.


Also, concerning the In game addition, it would be fun if the Elite Season 15 transmog gear could be available in game.


*Note : The Prideful items are Season 15 Elite

Prideful Gladiator's Redemption Elite Paladin

Prideful Gladiator's Battleplate Elite Warrior

Prideful Gladiator's Copperskin Elite Monk

Prideful Gladiator's Desecration Elite Death Knight

Prideful Gladiator's Earthshaker Elite Shaman

Prideful Gladiator's Felweave Elite Warlock

Prideful Gladiator's Investiture Elite Priest

Prideful Gladiator's Pursuit Elite Hunter

Prideful Gladiator's Refuge Elite Druid

Prideful Gladiator's Regalia Elite Mage

Prideful Gladiator's Vestments Elite Rogue

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