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5 Items remained alliance, after transfering the character to the horde.

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Nicknames of Your characters.


- Seney


Information about Your Game Client. Version (5.0.5\5.4.2\5.4.8), where did you get it? (?Torrent\ Downloaded with our archive \ Game Client from Battle.net + our archive)


- 5.4.8, downloaded with your archive


Describe your problem. Describe your problem very clearly and understandably. When and how the problem occurred?


- Occured after transfering. 5 of the items didnt change the faction, and remained alliance version.


How you tried to solve the problem. Describe all that you made. Most simple: reinstall the Game, cache clearing (deleted "Cache" folder in game folder), used "Repair Character" in Control Panel on the our website, restart PC and Internet, call to internet provider.


- I cant solve it.


Screenshots with problem.









Some PvP items are faction related, I believe they should automatically switch to the faction you transfered to, but I'm not 100% sure about this.

Good news is that GM's can and should give you items for your current faction and remove the items for opposing faction you have.

Bad news is that if GM's decide not to do above thing, you have lost your items permanently and have to farm conquest / honor for them again.

  • 2 weeks later...
How many months do i still have to wait for gms/admins or whatever to spend 1 minute of their time ACTUALLY DOING something, instead of sitting in cities, showing off to nerds?

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