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Chaos bolt


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ATm I'm 2.6k Cr on my warlock I play affliction I get 90k non crits and 140k crits I went destro and stacked mastery and I only hit 120-150k non burst and 220k with burst I think it should be better in retail on my 550 lock I crit 350-400k in pvp


selfbuffed, 550ilvl, my CB here hits 250-270k depending on procs

if you go to BG, stack some buffs and take berserker you'd easily hit 400k+

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Ask Justikillyou. He hit me for 320k CB and we are both full. Deadeyes, my friend hits 250-300k as well. Dunno what's your problem


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Additionally: Frostshotz, How did you hit that much???? Like lool


well i can do over 400k with full mastery stacking but this sucks so im not gonna do so,dont wanna be 1spell dependant-preparing for wod destro


also the 44mil crits are easy look:

go2naxx(i was doing achievs)

kill instructor razivious

after that ull see flying weps in next room with hopeless debuff(5000%dmg)


i did over 60m in kotmogu :D

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