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T16 2 and 4 Set Bonus for Warlock


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2pc Set bonus: http://www.wowdb.com/spells/145072-i...k-t16-2p-bonus

4pc Set bonus: http://www.wowdb.com/spells/145091-i...k-t16-4p-bonus



Right now: Doesnt proc for Demonology, Affliction, or Destruction.

Should: Proc for 2pc "Conflagrate critical strikes have a 20% chance to increase the critical strike chance of Immolate and Incinerate by 10%. Unstable Affliction critical hits have a 50% chance to increase all damaging effects of Drain Soul by 15% for 10 sec. Soul Fire has a 20% chance to increase you and your pet's damage dealt by 20%."


and 4 PC "When a Burning Ember fills up, your critical strike chance is increased by 15% for 5 sec. Haunt has a 10% chance to refund its shard when expiring. Shadow Bolt and Touch of Chaos have a 8% chance to also cast Hand of Gul'dan at the target."


Date tested: 11/17/2014


9/10 Important fix, PvE set doesnt work even though I have the full set..

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