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Something you guys should know...

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Posted (edited)

Hello PandaWoW community. I hope I can get your attention with some game-breaking bugs. This is not a hate thread, just a reminder that you should focus on PvP bugs rather than PvE bugs / minor bugs.


All the bugs I'm reporting here is for the fun realm.


If you want a somewhat "balanced" server, you have to listen to the community. I'll wrap up a list for you guys later.


Before the PvP season starts, I hope all these bugs will get fixed (as I said, will make a list tomorrow for you guys).


2 videos that I recorded for not too long ago.









Buff stacking.


MLS is so retardedly strong on here cause of buff stacking. You'll get 30% extra spell power cause of the buffs.








They all stack together. Means you get 30% spellpower, which is SOOOOO good.


Same goes for:








They all stack, means you can get 30% extra attack power.







PvE gear doesn't get scaled down to 550 item level in PvP zones. Battlegrounds / arena / duels. This causes spell casters to do insane amount of damage cause of broken PvE gear.



3: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=121818/stampede


Gives the Hunter buffs from each pet summoned. So if one pet gives 5% agility/strength/intellect & one gives 3000 mastery, it all stacks up.


Stampede shouldn't grant the hunter ANY BUFFS!


Stampede also deals special attacks like Claw / Bite / Smack, while it SHOULD ONLY DO AUTO ATTACK!



4: Pathfinder....


Pets running through LoS is dumb. How do you think it is for a stealth class? Can never restealth cause the pet is constantly on you...



5: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=111771/demonic-gateway


You can click this portal while CC'd and it'll teleport you..........


Shouldn't be able to use while CC'd....



uploading the video right now for proof: http://youtu.be/2Nqr2KYfHP8

Edited by Repitch

lol "PutinWoW" xD

btw I love that combat bug - as a destro warlock in bgs it locks my embers from expiring while not fighting

probably kinda sux as a rogue tho :>

so hope they do add these in their big "TODO" list


PS I didn't get the DK part? What's wrong with him?

Posted (edited)
lol "PutinWoW" xD

btw I love that combat bug - as a destro warlock in bgs it locks my embers from expiring while not fighting

probably kinda sux as a rogue tho :>

so hope they do add these in their big "TODO" list


PS I didn't get the DK part? What's wrong with him?


Look at his damage. If you pay attention, I dodge like 3 timtes of his Oblits. He pumped 140 k + into me all the time.


Compare Bajeera's damage & that russian DK's damage

Edited by Repitch
Totally off-topic: how did you get to GM Island? is that your own private server? :D


GM Island? What? Where? The first video was taken in Elwynn Forest, the second is in Tol'vir Arena.

Those are from another server that's shutdown by now, I used to play there aswell, definitely recognizing the names on the chat there. Definitely not taken on PandaWoW.
That's from an old server that was called "wowbeez". I pretty much used the channel I'm using now to report bugs. I'll probably do the same thing here.

Good job Rep.

All this crazy bugs should been fixed a year ago (especially buff stacks, stampede, PvE gear abuse) but pandawow dev-s too slow! Like OMGosh..

Disbalanced PVP so annoying

We are waiting too long...for normal gameplay! NEED FIXES

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