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Optimized English Streaming Client in 8MB


Should this file be made more visible?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Should this file be made more visible?

    • Yes, it makes setup much easier for english speakers.
    • No, the existing download options are good enough already.

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I've set up a package for new english speaking players which uses the correct version of the streaming launcher and sets everything to english right away.


The package also includes a link to the registration page.


The zip is around 8MB.


You can get it here


If the admins would like to place this somewhere more visible on the site, feel free. :heart:

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i won't use the votepoll in this topic because i find it not usefull


this method suck and i do not recommend it and better get the full game client because this will download over time while playing and will cause lag spikes

before it was possible to get a retail client of 5.4.8 patch via battlenet application and works really well


this is for all players who have problems with their wow game clients or they're new in pandawow server and haven't wow game client to play the game

i'll use this topic/thread to describe what do do in a few steps once for all:

- step №1: go to utorrent site download the free version and install it

- step №2: go to How to start play. Instructions. and download from this link or this

- step №:3: when you download the archive from step №2 open the archive and start the torrent file then click to Data -> Cache and uncheck ruRU

you'll missing around ~ 6,65 GB from the game, but you'll download them automatically from the game while playing



- step №:4 when the download is complete, close utorrent

- step №:5 go to your wow directory and open the folder called WTF then with windows word pad or notepad++ open the file Config.wtf and delete everything then copy/paste the following text there and save it

SET locale "enGB"

SET installLocale "enUS"

SET realmlist "logon.pandawow.ru"

- step №:6 now you need the launcher in order to play in panda wow server so.. download pandawow's launcher (link 1) or download pandawow's launcher (link 2)

- step №:7 after you downloaded pandawow's launcher, from the archive extract only following files: PandaWoW-32.exe and PandaWoW-64.exe then copy/paste them into your wow directory

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