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Sunwell Plateau

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1. Name of not working Dungeon & npc: Sunwell Plateau & Kil'jaeden.


2. Description of the problem: Kil'jaeden does not spawn.


3. How it must work: After you killed all the bosses, Kil'jaeden should spawn. (There is only a human female standing in the middle now)


4. Date when you tested it: 2015-01-02 & 2015-01-03 (Did 4 tries these 2 days)


5. Realm: x100


6. Priority: 10/10, you are not able to get the achievement + the loot from him if you are making a lvl 70 twink as I do.

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Why is it not important? For you maybe, not for the rest of us who like to do other things then getting rekt in bg's/arenas from abusers. There are more things on this server than PvP. If you don't like it don't even comment on this bug report, as a matter of fact don't even read it since it doesn't concern you. Merc out.
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