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in this server there's no big difference from others , it isnt as retail ofcourse in 1:1 , it isnt with x1 rate , it has many bugs ( like all pservers). There's arena spectator and some fun shiz in Pandawow Fun realm ( the name of realm is pretty obvious and explaining - fun). Well there's like 14000 people on all realms counted together in holidays , weekends if im not mistaken :)
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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for reply, i got 2 more questions :D


1)Do accounts/chars delete after a specific amount of time?

2)Are the servers fair? or P2W? In more detail. Do donators/premium members get statistical advantage over normal players through items, skills etc?

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1) I don't think you can lose your character (even if you delete it you can still get it back through vote points)

2) No p2w. You can have anything a donator can have without paying money (they usually buy transmogs or fully geared characters from the website).

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1) I don't think you can lose your character (even if you delete it you can still get it back through vote points)

2) No p2w. You can have anything a donator can have without paying money (they usually buy transmogs or fully geared characters from the website).


Well donators can buy Not available Items Ingame but well People who vote for bonuses can get them too.

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Thanks for reply, i got 2 more questions :D


1)Do accounts/chars delete after a specific amount of time?

Well no if so there will be an announcement on the forums 2-3 weeks before in what you have to do to not get your characters deleted.

2)Are the servers fair? or P2W? In more detail. Do donators/premium members get statistical advantage over normal players through items, skills etc?

P2W well in some situations yes, you can get items faster if you donate but you can get them as well for voting. So P2W yes on all realms.

Well if you ask me I never waste on stuff I can get in game for real money mostly on mounts and transmogs but ye that is me.

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Well no if so there will be an announcement on the forums 2-3 weeks before in what you have to do to not get your characters deleted.


P2W well in some situations yes, you can get items faster if you donate but you can get them as well for voting. So P2W yes on all realms.

Well if you ask me I never waste on stuff I can get in game for real money mostly on mounts and transmogs but ye that is me.


I can't say that buying the gear makes the server p2w nobody buy it. It's not like other servers that you can buy http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=49623/shadowmourne and there is no other way to get it. That is what i call p2w

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