Well, first of all, I can send you a screenshot myself showing that I’m playing with this trinket.
Second, what makes you think this is a bug? The tooltip clearly states that it reflects all Arcane magic spells.
Third, the tooltip also mentions that players above level 49 HAVE A CHANCE to resist it. For those who are bald and clueless, let me explain: it can reflect, not always, of course, since it may not trigger, but that doesn’t change the core mechanic.
Fourth, I assume you know how Mass Dispel works for Monks—all damage from Unstable Affliction is transferred to the Monk. But when using this trinket, it reflects back to the Warlock.
Fifth, I understand your whining. You want to dominate in BGs by spamming Seed of Corruption and dealing absurd damage to the whole group. But every ability has its counter.
Sixth, stop whining, please. This trinket is part of the game’s mechanics. If you haven’t played classic Warcraft, don’t go claiming that certain items are bugged.
Seventh, if a Warrior casts Mass Spell Reflection and you also use revival, and it one-shots you—is that a bug too? Or if a socket in your helmet with 1% reflection procs—is that a bug as well?
P.S.: Stop whining all the time—first it’s too many healers in BGs, now you’re getting one-shot by Dispel + Reflection. Just learn to play
and be good.