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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/22/25 in all areas

  1. Верно, ведь именно поэтому в своё время пвешеры продавили желаемый вариант в голосовании за тип реалма - потому что мнение 30 с половиной земляков ничего не изменит. Всё по факту. Именно потому, что пве контент никого не интересует, пвпшеры на новой сотке не продержались больше пары месяцев, и сейчас их там осталось меньшинство (один Симф, вроде). Ну ладно, подумаешь, бывает. Зато на фане пвпшеров больше, это должно доказать твою правоту. Ведь так? Правильно, надо же иногда и пвпшеров выпустить из клетки погулять
    1 point
  2. We can make changes to the match making but as I already said several times in discord it will have a negative impact on the queue length. The queue will be increased by a lot. We can make a strict match making. I will give an example. 2 healers per team and 8 dps (in 10vs10 BG). That will have as a result, an increase of queue length in the peak time and probably no BGs will be played in the mornings because I doubt that the system will find 4 healers, who will join and they won't afk or skip their queue or even more healers if the BG is bigger. Also, a more strict system will not ensure the fair match making because you can imagine that if a player is waiting longer in queue, he has more chances to afk or skip the queue because he will decide to do other activities or even log out. What does that mean? That if players wait longer in queue there will be more possibilities to skip the queue therefore we may see a more unbalanced match making. Our current system has as top priority to start a BG so players do not have to wait 15-20 minutes for the "perfect" BG. The system always finds equal amount of players for both teams but all this mess is caused by players who afk, decide to decline when BG queue pops or even doing it intentionally. Conclusion, we do not want to make such changes because then everyone will complain about the time they will wait until they enter BG.
    1 point
  3. block premades bigger than 2 players, make it so trying to que bg in premade with more than 2 players shows a "u cant que with that many players" type of message, that would solve a lot of the bg imbalances we got going on
    1 point
  4. This is cool, the main thing is to give some kind of currency for losing on BG, so that there is an incentive to play, as I understand it, blood tokens are only for winning, and the new currency will be given for quests, think about this new currency being given for losing on BG too (you can do twice as much as for winning)
    1 point
  5. We are already working on a new currency which will most likely be available in a week or 10 days. This new currency will be given to the players who complete the BG PvP quests. This currency will be used so the players can purchase transmogrification items. In the future, we might add the possibility to purchase mounts, shirts etc. Transmogrification NPCs which sell transmogrification items for conquest points, will be converted to honor+new currency Even if you lose the BG, you can complete the BG PvP quests. If you are not afking and you are helping your team, you can complete the damage/healing quest, returning the flag or do 10 killing blows. Maybe we can add a small amount of new currency for the losing team as well. Of course, the winning team will get more points but we can reward the losing team so they won't waste their time for nothing. On topic. This unfair match making (8 players from team #1 and 3 players from team #2) is made only early at the morning when there are not many players. Therefore, there is not any issues with the match making. What happens is that some players are waiting too long in the queue, they afk and they lose their queue. Some others decide that they do not want to play BG anymore and they want to do a raid/scenario etc. (this applies mostly to x100 players). Of course it is know that some players multibox and abuse the queue as well in order to cause a negative impact to the opponent team. So as you understand, there are few parameters that can not predicted or controlled. Maybe we can add deserter when a player decides to afk or lose the BG queue intentionally.
    1 point
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