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Everything posted by liobel

  1. there is no time on the chat it can get declined
  2. the picture is so bad why is so big problem uploading to imgur it just prnsc and Ctrl+V
  3. hahahhahahaha i almost died but on second thought looking at the ui http://i.imgur.com/zCUE6Uk.png
  4. liobel

    Spell hit cap

    i think that not only spell hit cap is bugged malee too
  5. and what is your avg fps on ultra and did you fix the problem
  6. but it working fine for me it was bugged before but they fixed it
  7. Idk run another game or wow exp and see if you have the same problem. BTW what rig are you running?
  8. GM can't do nothing if except tell you that if there is bug go and report it. here http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=46796
  9. reset game, pc, change the settings or reset to default.
  10. If you ask me it's better to go for mastery after intellect if you are looking for burst dmg. Crit is more for sustain dmg to get more starsurge procs but when you are bursting people die in seconds there is no time to wait for procs. Here i am my friend. reason down btw dfabel is my 2nd reg with more posts than this one like 1k but it was banned. http://i.imgur.com/YLu5yPa.png
  11. hahaha well i have no life so kinda all day what i do and i have to say that i save a lot of the comments to myself
  12. well if you are sharing something that is specific about the server it's going to be great.
  13. i feel like the time spend for reporting is not worth spending because the mute is 2 -4 hours
  14. these are the rules they won't change them live with it
  15. as far as i know gm's don't really spent time on banning bg hackers except if they are reported on the forum. i am not sure who said it maybe juster but they said that there aren't enough gm's to sit around and ban bg hackers. fun realm is pvp realm even having pve gear is enough. if you want pve go play x100 or x10
  16. jhahhahahah don't worry there isn't the time on the chat so they won't mute him
  17. i am not sure how you are going to prove anything?
  18. a lot of people had the same problem i am not sure that you can upgrade. but this is not bug report so you know
  19. i think they fixed it. at least they said that "we can't reproduce this bug"
  20. I just love the shits people say. If you are really getting ddos change your ip. http://i.imgur.com/quItkkY.png
  21. there is no point in killing him. He isn't connected to the quest that get you out the starter zone.
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