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UnknownPlayr last won the day on June 16 2023

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  1. Hello, Basically just make something like the custom shirts with VFX effect, but this time Tabards, so people can have 2 visual effects at the same time, make it cost like 500 Donation Coins same as the shirts, it can even be basically all the same effect as shirts has, just so people can stack up 2 effect at the same time for better visual effect, thanks.
  2. Hello, same as in the title It would be great to be able to change the appearance of tabard. Why? Because some tabards have special effect on them like special effects, emotes, teleport, or reputation increased gained, etc. for example ( https://www.wowhead.com/item=52252/tabard-of-the-lightbringer) So, its cool to have, but what if the tabard doesn't matches your apperance/transmogrification? You could simply just keep the tabard and transmog it, at the Netharel <<Transmogrify Master>> Npc. By entering ID of a tabard that you want (you must own the tabard first tho) same as it is with the changing apperance of magic shirts at the Netharel <<Transmogrify Master>> npc. Since the function to changing apperance of shirts already exists, I don't think its hard to implement the same option for tabards. That would be amazing to have. thank you very much!
  3. Hello, In patch 5.1.0 This Arena was disabled due to introduction of the Brawler's Guild. But since in this server Brawler's Guild doesn't work at all, it would be nice to Enable this arena back again for 2v2 3v3 Arenas. https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Ring_of_Valor https://www.wowhead.com/zone=4406/the-ring-of-valor
  4. I've seen this being done in 3.3.5 and cata servers like 6 years ago, so it possible.
  5. Hi, It would amazing for customization of your character, if it would be possible to add Magic Tabards, that would have Morphing effect on them! It works in a way where, when you're for example an Human Warrior, but you wanna be an Undead and you want to be an different race, but you also wanna customize your character, like change the haircolor, the hairstyle, etc of the morph. Yes, we do have Morpher in the game, but it sucks... It just morphs you into 1 pre-set Morph of an different race/faction, is not customizable at all and just looks bad. That's why Magic Tabard Morphing would add non-static morph, which would change its haircolor, hairstyle, body color, depending of how you change your normal character. Its really simple to implement, been seeing that on multiple other servers, and it works great! Awesome for character customization for even more epic look!
  6. Hi, We already have Magic Shirts that have magic effects, that allows players to have an better customization of their character, spicing up their Transmogrification look! But, it would be even better if there would be also Magic Tabards! With basically the same effects as Magic Shirts, what it would do, it would allow you to combine 2 magic effects at once! So you could be wearing for example, Cool Wings effects combined with magic glowing hands, for even better look of your character! It would increase amount of donations, but also would increase amount of players in the BG's or Arenas (Possibly) as they would grind up new characters up to full 550 gear in order to sell them for some Donation Coins, so they could buy the magic tabard! Its a win-win situation for both the players and the server! Please consider this idea, thanks!
  7. Hi Everyone, Since its possible to join Battlegrounds and Raids together known as (crossfaction) why not also allow cross-faction Guild's, make it so, people from the horde or alliance can be in the opposite faction Guild. It would allow people to continue playing in their favorite guild even after they change the faction. It doesnt make any sense if, you can do Raid's and Battleground's together, use the same party/raid, etc. But, not be in the same guild. Not being able to be in the same guild, makes it less convenient for some players.
  8. https://db.pandawow.me/?item=25226/war-scythe -- added https://db.pandawow.me/?item=58928/house-wrynn-halberd -- added https://db.pandawow.me/?item=25234/telaari-polearm -- already exists in the shop https://db.pandawow.me/?item=25233/battle-scythe -- added https://db.pandawow.me/?item=40208/cryptfiends-bite -- already exists in the shop https://db.pandawow.me/?item=47522/marrowstrike -- added https://db.pandawow.me/?item=55414/irontree-spear -- added https://db.pandawow.me/?item=82221/inlaid-spear -- added https://db.pandawow.me/?item=79341/inscribed-serpent-staff -- added
  9. Hello, I'd like to point out that in the latest update there was such statement : General: Now, with premium transmogrification, you can transmogrify any one-handed melee weapon into a two-handed one and vice versa. But, is not true or not fully implemented yet? You still cannot transmogrify one-hand weapons into two-hand Polearms/Poleaxes etc. Hoping it will be fixed very soon, thanks.
  10. I think it would be brilliant to re-work the ( https://www.wowhead.com/zone=4197/wintergrasp ) Wintergrasp PvP Zone in Northrend, it would be perfect, literally all you have to do is just inscrease the NPC's and Mobs stats and levels to 90 in there, use the quests that already exists there, and just increase the reward to give more honor points, etc. and even, maybe in the future re-work the Bosses inside of the raid there (Vault of Archavon https://www.wowhead.com/zone=4603/vault-of-archavon ) Just make them drop Tyranical, Grievous, Prideful Gear instead of the old Wotlk Gear, literally thats it, just few modifications, it would be something fresh in the server. It doesn't breaks anything, but adds additional stuff to do. I think people would like to go there, and do the battle, as is like kind of like a Battleground but with open world rules. And its kind of trending now as people are playing Wotlk Classic on retail servers.
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