Hi there,
Describe the specific issue.
Since the new "APPEARANCES COLLECTION" update went out, none of us have been able to use "Grey" type armor or equipment for transmogrification. Many things become useless as a result. It's unfortunate because there are many items of this type that are "Grey" from the item shop, such as this one: https://db.pandawow.me/?item=49708 or https://db.pandawow.me/?item=85496. However, they are currently unavailable for usage. on fact, there are about 50+ of those items on the Transmogrification > Weapon Tab of the Item Store. Therefore, I believe that fixing it as quickly as feasible is crucial.
Items such as>
https://db.pandawow.me/?item=85496, https://db.pandawow.me/?item=49708, and all of items of this type.
How it should work>
It just should be usable as transmogrification item, as it used to be, before the new -update-.
Realm> xFun
Priority> Low