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Everything posted by Jessuh

  1. Hey, I haven't played this server for 8 months nearly, but I noticed I did not recieve my gladiator from back at 5.0.5, even tho I had the rating required to recieve it? I'll be glad if any gm could manually add it to my character, as I worked hard and I deserve it.. http://imgur.com/1mgLbo7
  2. /Cast [@focus] Death Grip /Cast [@focus] Strangulate /Castsequence Blood Presence, Frost Presence (Switching presences because sometimes Frost Strike gets bugged and costs 35 Runic power and not 20) /Cast [@focus] Chains of Ice
  3. Jessuh

    Season end (?)

    When does the Season End, and when are the players being rewarded with achievements? Such as Duelist, Rival, Gladiator, and Malevolent Gladiator?
  4. I have no idea how to set up Enhancement Shaman but I most certainly can give you a few helpful macros. Add my skype - Jessy.babyz (:
  5. Hey, i'm looking for exprienced Disc Priest, Shadow Priest or a Holy Paladin for 2's, PM me your proofs (: (100X REALM) P.S : Must speak English.
  6. Why can't we donate for Elite weapons anymore? Can't we buy weapons anymore? - - - Добавлено - - - Nvm please lock this topic, google chrome translate messed up the site for me. (:
  7. Nobody here knows what is PayPal? It's like Robokassa but not only for Russians, for the whole world..
  8. Hello, i'm looking for someone nice and trustable with skype, that has paypal, I want to send 40$ to you, and in exchange you will donate for me 30$ only, and can leave the 10$ for yourself, I cannot pay from my country pm me for more info. (:
  9. Bump. :3
  10. Well I hope it will be approved, since this is a PvP server, there is barely any PvE and people here mostly arena, so if theres 1 week arena, they will only log in game, get conquest points cap and log off and only log next week for another cap :/
  11. Do you mind speaking in English? I do not understand Russian, Google Chrome translator is bad :/
  12. Hey, I saw you guys updated the Conquest Cap to be weekly, I understand you don't want people to get gear too easily, but, this server is PvP server, and the PvE is very low in here, perhaps if you make the cap to be 3 days instead of a week, it will draw more people into PvPing and encourage people to do arenas since this server is mostly PvP.
  13. Alrighty, thanks you can lock this topic. (:
  14. Alrighty.. How do I talk to an admin?..
  15. Can't I just pay to some Admin via paypal and he'll add points to me?
  16. Not quite sure how to use that website..
  17. Is it possible to donate to some Admins or staff members via paypal to recieve points? Or is it possible if they add more countries ?
  18. An international realm would be awesome :3
  19. Yeah I noticed, it used to reset around 5-7 am, that was really awesome, but I guess it won't happen anymore ):
  20. Are you sure? They reset for my Rogue everyday this week.
  21. Hello everyone, I was wondering, is the Conquest Points cap, a daily cap? Or is it changed now to weekly? Because past week or so it was daily.
  22. This is my char name: Pãncakes
  23. Nice Keybinds, I myself play Rogue, glad x3 on AT/Molten, I also play Mages, here is my keybinds. http://imgur.com/cXFTT2t Also I play on the x100 Rates, new here :3
  24. Well all I want is to be unbanned and possibly get a name change, because if they make alt-code names bannable, they should not allow it to be created... Some servers I know, blocked the alt-code names.......
  25. Will that Russian font change my client language?
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