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Everything posted by Cobe

  1. Cobe

    WTS Rogue

  2. http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/game/char-1-2583277.html /25
  3. http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/game/char-1-1087517.html /275
  4. char its UP price reduced!
  5. SOLD!!!
  6. here's a score i did yesterday [ATTACH=CONFIG]57752[/ATTACH] and yea it might be the gear thats why u do low dmg :)
  7. i know how u feel i play every class in the game too so it's not a retarded thing to do if are looking for a fun class i would recommend you to try shadow priest very dominant in battlegrounds good in arenas having a bit of trouble in duels but its ok u will get used with it and its a very fun and enjoyable class to play
  8. http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/game/char-1-2574337.html name-zhyro
  9. [ATTACH=CONFIG]57675[/ATTACH] watch this score not mine but still :) i was there "never underestimate an ele shaman"
  10. lower'd the price to 280
  11. Cobe

    Fun Realm idea's

    1.Arena Skirmish (1v1-2v2-3v3 personally i prefer 3v3 to encourage new players to play 3v3 ) 2.Arena Spectator (even low,shity serves has one i think pandawow need's it especially for 3v3 where some teams may win-trade...i dont know u get the point of spectator :D ) 3.New created chars to start with already learned glyphs (its boring to buy each glyph then wait to learn it ) 4.Professions trainers near their reagents vendor (it's a waste of time to go to the trainer then come back at the reagents vendor to buy the things u need and so on ) 5.StairCase Events (with honor rewards or Conquest rewards for the rly hard lvl's and i mean rly rly hard, since its a pvp realm honor and conq would be a great reward ) 6.Duel Zone (Crossfaction ,i think this would be good idea, maybe u will want to duel a guy u met in bg or arena u get the point :)
  12. http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/game/char-3-1312126.html -280 points [ATTACH=CONFIG]57427[/ATTACH] t6 xmog in bank+more awesome stuffs A lot of titles Shado-Pan Assault rep just need 300 more valor and buy trinket
  13. what u mean get something lose something its a double lose
  14. http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/game/char-1-1101327.html /275
  15. http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/game/char-3-495501.html [ATTACH=CONFIG]50356[/ATTACH] Char name-Jahlz price -275 lowest i can +Obsidian Slayer title ps:dont comment things about this i know mage its low gear but has some cool xmogs and maybe some1 wants to have those title's These Titles are no longer available ,because are Realm First!
  16. [ATTACH=CONFIG]50354[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]50355[/ATTACH] just some old screen's dont know if they are epic :) but looks cool
  17. http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/game/char-3-495501.html [ATTACH=CONFIG]50350[/ATTACH] Char name-Jahlz price -275 lowest i can +Obsidian Slayer title ps:dont comment things about this i know mage its low gear but has some cool xmogs and maybe some1 wants to have those title's These Titles are no longer available ,because are Realm First! SOLD!!!
  18. [ATTACH=CONFIG]50143[/ATTACH] not my highest but the only i have screened:P i dont usualy screen score or [ATTACH=CONFIG]50144[/ATTACH] same spec starter gear:)
  19. http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/game/char-3-1647008.html /300 points [ATTACH=CONFIG]50009[/ATTACH] 1900 in 2s donated http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=22499/fr...e-shoulderpads and more..
  20. http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/game/char-3-1647008.html /300 points
  21. http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/game/char-3-1748990.html /300 points 1800 rate in 2s raid's title's name-Crixon
  22. http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/game/char-3-1748990.html /300 points 1800 rate in 2s raid's title's name-Crixon
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