1.Arena Skirmish (1v1-2v2-3v3 personally i prefer 3v3 to encourage new players to play 3v3 )
2.Arena Spectator (even low,shity serves has one i think pandawow need's it especially for 3v3 where some teams may win-trade...i dont know u get the point of spectator :D )
3.New created chars to start with already learned glyphs (its boring to buy each glyph then wait to learn it )
4.Professions trainers near their reagents vendor (it's a waste of time to go to the trainer then come back at the reagents vendor to buy the things u need and so on )
5.StairCase Events (with honor rewards or Conquest rewards for the rly hard lvl's and i mean rly rly hard, since its a pvp realm honor and conq would be a great reward )
6.Duel Zone (Crossfaction ,i think this would be good idea, maybe u will want to duel a guy u met in bg or arena u get the point :)