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chubaa last won the day on August 28 2015

chubaa had the most liked content!

1 Follower

About chubaa

  • Birthday 10/01/1996

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  1. oky bro this all player get 3k +. invidualen got 3.2 k + in 10x and monk chiv ? lal are u drunk? there was 10 monk better than chiv ( and this 10 monk got more raiting 2v2 3v3 than chiv ) .... l didnot play here 1 year so last season l didnot know who was best l am talking 1 years ago situation (all time) - - - Добавлено - - - before the cross in 100 x u got 2.8 when in fun u got 3k+ lal
  2. mage: lemoz hunt: soroki druid : invidualen/afkgox war: neiko/lordsatan/iconxz dk:absolutezero priest: allba warllock: wapx
  3. you dont say ? :D
  4. monk-rpaladin-dk Vanguards Cleave (zavtra skaju nick name)
  5. v etom chisle 100% budet? tournament
  6. lal (Y)
  7. chubaa

    goodbye narod :P

  8. chubaa

    goodbye narod :P

    goodbye narod karoche na offe ushiol budu igrat realm: tarren mill (y) (zdes toje budu redka zaiti radi interesa) udachi vsem
  9. ne mogu boi v spectator smotret bag? ili novi addon nujen? (esli da linkanite)
  10. i ? ne mogu ruski bukvami bistra pisat - - - Добавлено - - - Kecap, l am interesting what is your nick in game ?
  11. 2v2 now l am going red intelect yelow crit blu spirit+crit 1 month ago l play red intelect+crit yeallow cryt blue spirit+crit some day ago l try full intelect gem it give u more dmg + more heal for each spell but there was mana problem + low crit
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