We have different lockouts:
1) instance-based
2) boss-based
3) loot-based
About lockouts: https://wow.gamepedia.com/Raid_lockout#Flexible_Boss-based_Lockout
(don't look at "used for", it was taken from WoD)
1) Vanila and BK raids use instance-based lockout
2) Ruby Sanctum, ICC, all Cataclysm raids and even Throne of Thunder (MoP 5.2 raid) use boss-based lockout. (according to this https://ru.wowhead.com/news=169667/4-0-1-new-flexible-raid-lockout-system)
3) Other HEROIC MoP raids use instance-based lockout, right?
4) Other NORMAL MoP raids use boss-based lockout, right?
5) Raid on "Raid Finder" difficulty use loot-based lockout, right?