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Everything posted by Heisenberg

  1. from blueposts https://wow.gamepedia.com/Resurrect#Combat_resurrection
  2. Исправлено
  3. so looks very good
  4. Fixed
  5. исправлено, добавил заселение для них
  6. I guess this is another bug with MC, not related to this report.
  7. ty, fixed
  8. оригинальный репорт про скорость. То что выше - это у всех петов, репорт соответствующий есть.
  9. Это при обычном рандом бг или при рейтинговом?
  10. было исправлено http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=213765
  11. было исправлено http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=156510&page=3
  12. Just tested on cross - works
  13. Heisenberg

    arena/bg save

    was fixed http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=156510&page=3
  14. Raid markers is fixed too
  15. Fixed
  16. fixed
  17. these changes only affect pvp content (arena, bg). So this thing still broken.
  18. Plus: Test it with: - CC. If CC was applied right before u get back to the game. u should not be able to move. - dead character. Relog while u dead
  19. Works ok for me in this case it will fail but its not about gcd. when client execute macros and tries to cast spell aura is not removed for client. "/cancelaura" just sends request to the server to remove the aura, but he doesnt wait for response from the server and tries to execute next command
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