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Everything posted by toxilock

  1. I don't get owned by warriors I counter them most of the times but as I said you can try and say they aren't bugged as much as you want I went and took the damage calculation formulas of slam and bladestorm and ran the calcs those 2 spells are bugged here and deal more damage then they should and also about deep wounds I don't have to "lie" as you say just look at that video I posted his deep wounds deal 22k crits my warr does that in malevo gear. if you honestly think taking a player from full to 50% in 3 sec is legit well I dunno what to say really.
  2. dunno about you but I have 84% mastery on my rogue and I crit for 60k evis with 2 combo points if I have 5 combo points I crit up to 100k without cds
  3. yea dunno about you but I don't see any 40-50k bleed crits just 22k crits and on pandawow I've seen 40-60k crits np in freaking tyrannical gear you can say warrs aren't bugged as much as you want fact lays BS damage is bugged and hits too much slam damage is also bugged and deep wounds as well you can try and justify the damage as much as you want but a quick calculation using the damage formulas will prove you wrong. atm warriors here are a braindead class takes 0 skills to play but w/e just hope 5.4.8 will be here soon
  4. rallying cry is unusable while being sillenced about shield wall I'm not sure
  5. intimidating shout is indeed bugged it works like a fear as it should but it breaks after the target takes way too much damage I've been hit for over 250k damage before it broke more then enough times
  6. the fact percentage of max hp heals are affected by battle fatigue in this server messes up a lot of classes since it shouldn't be that way nothing we can do about it really other then hoping that shit will get fixed soon in the meanwhile join the club of the warlocks,rogues,hunters,warriors
  7. yea the absorb ammount is affected by battle fatigue like every shield here which is a bug and shouldn't be like that it's the same with mage ice barrier and priest power word shield. which is the reason I use dark bargin
  8. works on the fun realm just takes a long time to proc mot of the times and also it has long internal cooldown
  9. works perfectly for me and I've also seen it working for other plyers what do you mean by not working please explain more in detail so maybe we can help you
  10. thread opener was a mage the warr shouldn't even be able to comment like he did over here given his bugs in damage and damage mitigation and as for mages there are 2 bugs that people abuse constantly one is the glyph of remove curse bug and glyph of blink bug and also damage wise fire mages are a bit bugged since pyroblast deals a shitload of more damage then it should on non frozen targets a mage took my hunt down yesterday without even freezing me once something is bugged with the pyro damage formula and crit chance but not sure what I haven't seen a single fire mage on retail hitting for 100k crits on non frozen targets. as for the healing part just so you know battle fatigue should not affect max hp percentage heals like second wind recuperate and the warlock's ember tap and dark regan yet here it does and it messes things up a lot for wars maybe not because of the bugged defensive stance and how they are getting carried by it but as for rogues they can't really heal because battle fatigue makes recup heal for 6k in semi good gear and that's just fucked up my warlock's pet does more damage then that. same can be told on warlocks my damage is awsome like rogue's and my defenisives are also good but when battle fatigue affects my heals when it shouldn't and I get 70k from my ember tap which should heal me for 27% of my max hp (I'm 550k hp) regardless of battle fatigue since my max hp never change and so % of max hp heals aren't supposed to be affected by it I mean 70k hp? takes me a bit to generate that ember but the ammount it heals is just not worth it 70k hp is 1 hit from a warr or a pyro from a mage not to mention BM hunters. people tend to think rogues and warlocks are OP here and "bugged" damage but infact they have legit damage like they should but in healing wise we're more fucked up then you think
  11. didn't call them noobs but ok and well try to step in my shoes when I'm probably one of the few destro locks here that plays over 2k rating as double dps and I see all of this QQ for pretty much nothing but also a shitload of QQ from bugged classes I see a warr qq for rogues when rogue heals are fucked up and don't even worth the combo points spent on them not to mention energy regan is also fucked up and I get the same shit as a warlock my % of max hp heals are being affected by battle fatigue which they shouldn't and like 50% of the important things I need for pvp are broken so ofc I'm tired of this QQ from bugged classes against nerfed classes not sure about the st bug but this entire thread is just a big QQ thread about rogue's cause the thread opener couldn't play his class and not to sound offensive but with how bugged mages are here and how people are used to that bug I'm not surprised
  12. ofc I'd say use your brain people just complain about rogues here they are easy to counter and + they can stealth anytime they get out of combat so ofc they will do it few times in a battle when they do manage to get out of combat is by using smoke bomb or with LOS till they get out of it didn't mean to be mean but I read what people say here and its just pointless QQ over things that are not bugged just need to be smartly countered
  13. lol dude ever heared of subterfuge? it allows them to stealth and break the stealth only 3 seconds after the get hit by something. and on topic... sub rogues are known for their crazy ass burst with evis they can hit up to 180k with it legit they are also the only class atm other then mage that counts on a small time cd (shadow dance- 1 min) to kill targets most so here is a pro tip learn to freaking pvp use your brain and know how to counter their burst in order to survive instead of complaining don't expect to live a full cds burst from a rogue without using atleast 1 defensive cd on your side because it's a freaking full cd burst!. for tht warrior who qq for being down in 3 seconds: meet shadow blades what it does is it makes the rogue damage be pure shadow damage and also increases their combo points regeneration so basicaly what it means for you if I break it simple is that your armor and added armor from defensive stance are useless against that spell for the simple reason it ignores armor since it's spell damage and not physical damage and also because that is pure spell damage eviscerate hits soo high since if without blades it can hit 80-120 crits there is no reason that while ignoring armor it won't hit 180-200k in full gear.
  14. he just used havoc on you and targeted a different target that was at the 20% hp range and then he shadowburned that target (which is the warlock's execute) and you took the damage as well cause of havoc when doing this on my lock I can kill a full hp target NP given the fact shadowburn deals over 400k damage with my cds up
  15. destruction warlock by far the best class for me and my favorite one as well been playing it since vanilla and that's a long time :P love the versitality of it in both defensives and offesives not to mention the huge bursts it can put and the ammount of CC all in all I love this class and spec the most. shadow priest I've always liked shadow priest the dot spec that has spammable heals and good defensives unlike the affliction warlock always seemed OP unfortunately priests here are still a bit nerfed cause of the fact divine star doesn't work and devouring plague damage is nerfed but still I manage to handle it. tried to play arms warr and UH dk but I just sold thoe characters I was just bored of how much of a faceroll classes they are in this server with their bugged damage abilities such as slam and bladestorm and for the dk the fact gargoyle ignores resilliance
  16. what do you mean bestial wrath didn't free from a fear? you mean it didn't free you or your pet since it shouldn't free you
  17. are you frost or fire mage? it works fine on my fire mage I can use deep freeze and instantly shoot a pyro out without having it gcd and same if I shoot a pyro and want to deep freeze
  18. up still randomly works come on if you want me to give you the solution you should script it like the mage freezing talent that triggers upon melee hit only this one should make it run in horror for 4 seconds
  19. when have you last tested it given the fact it works perfectly for me
  20. how much of a retard do you need to be in order to belive an enemy "healed" him the writting was in red which means it was from the opposite team and so it clearly damaged him and not healed
  21. you can also say that they don't have real casts on their fears like they should so they can't be interrupted as well. they should have 1.5 sec cast time on that fear and it should be interruptable.
  22. the spell itself has low damage as elemental and even lower as enhancement. as enhancement it should be able to crit for over 100k which it doesnt and also it always increases your mastery and agility which is fine if you're enhancement shaman but even as elemental where it shuld increase your mastery and haste it increases agility instead
  23. it randomly works but most of the time it doesnt I had like 4 possitive attempts out of a full day of playing
  24. can you please focus on this freaking spell it's been bugged for ages in the meanwhile warriors have bugged slams and bladestorm damage druids can 2 shot us and rogues are just laughing at us please just fix this spell cause atm any melee attacker with 10% of a brain can just faceroll warlocks our heals are nerfed as it is and now we don't even have a cc to handle them. the spell is bugged cause it doesn't horror the target once it hits you with any melee attack the buff jsut get's dispelled but the horror effect doesn't take place !!
  25. how the spell should work with this talent is the first dark soul used should start the cd counting of 2 minutes both charges should share the same cd countdown and not have a personal cd for each charge like it has atm basicaly the cd works now like this: after you cast the 2ed charge of dark soul and the cd is over you get 1 charge and need to wait another 2 minutes for the 2ed charge how this should work is once the cd is over you should get the 2 charges back instead of 1 and wait 2 more minutes for another one
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