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  1. Hey I have a problem changing my email , i accidentally misspelled my email and instead of putting .com at the end , i put .co , my real account is nickadams7777@hotmail.com , is there a way i could change or someone here could change my email? because when i try to change it , it says its gonna send an email to change to nickadams7777@hotmail.co , which doesnt exist , since the website is only .com , could I change my email to my current mail ncustomxlive@outlook.com? somehow? or am i screwed? http://imgur.com/n4LmIi6
  2. Name : 哥布林 Realm : Fun Proof : http://imgur.com/xZ1dvUj
  3. and when exactly will the administrator be ready to release this information? this season is lasting way longer than the last one
  4. realm > fun flyhacking and gripping people under the map name > asian characters http://imgur.com/xZ1dvUj
  5. this is 15/10 priority , if this guy decides to play 2v2 he can destroy the entire ladder by himself.
  6. http://imgur.com/JNB0n0b http://imgur.com/MFmknBH http://imgur.com/eBhfCSZ http://imgur.com/85F9c3k all i can say is , great job pandawow , totally balanced server with no overpowered classes , show me 1 server just 1 server , where fucking STORMBOLT hits 140k, please...... i beg you, dare to show me any other mop server where a warrior kills you within 2 seconds 85k autoattack , MY MAGE WITH FULL CDS DOESNT EVEN DO 85K ICELANCES
  7. so ive been wondering because alot of people were saying different things... when does the new season start / arena rating reset? can we have a specific date or atleast specific month so we can prepare??
  8. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=161151&p=987884#post987884
  9. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=161151&p=987884#post987884
  10. realm : Fun Character : Every single one of my friends and 1000 other people... Priority : 10/10 Issue : not getting any honor after finishing a battleground (win or lose) im sure you already know about this bug and i dont need to explain it , BUT WHEN IS IT GETTING FIXED ? ITS BEEN ALMOST 2 WEEKS... people cant even gear their characters because they dont get ANYTHING from bgs , conquest or honor , is noone in the admin team aware of this? this NEEDS fixing
  11. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=160029 priority 10/10 = no conquest or honor gain = no advancing in the game , this NEEDS TO BE FIXED.
  12. A friend of mine isnt getting any honor or conquest points after finishing battlegrounds. The honor/conquest points dont save or carry over after the battleground finishes. Alot of people have reported to have this issue aswell (she tried to repair her character on the website multiple times , relogged a hundred times but the CQ still doesnt appear) . Is there a way an admin/developer could look into this issue? Its been bothering alot of my friends and also people in english chat , this is 10/10 priority since no honor/conquest gain = no advancement in the game.
  13. so i come back to pandawow after a 2 month break and i join a bg ... and i see a full geared MW monk outhealing 30 people while staying above 80% hp the entire time , i think to myself , WTF happend to this server? pandawow is out for almost 3 years now and the amount of GAMEBREAKING bugs on this server is insane, does this server even have developers? does anyone here care about the state of the server? or is this server dead and im wasting my time here? responses would be nice , thx
  14. so how do you spectate arenas on this server? every time i click on a match it doesnt do anything , and most of the matches dont even show up , whats the point of the npc if it doesnt even work?
  15. wasting time on another suggestion thread? i just laugh at these , when was the last time pandawow developers or anyone really listened to a suggestion thread or took anything productive out of it?..... i think it was when leonardo dicaprio got an oscar.... never
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