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StarCaller last won the day on November 10 2015

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About StarCaller

  • Birthday 05/18/1996

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  1. Excuse me?
  2. Hello guys and girls! So I would like to tell you how to find me and contact me in game and on other things, such as forum/skype. My normal response to a ticket always starts like: Hello buddy, StarCaller here. Hello mate, StarCaller here. So in this way you will know that it's me and if you want me to continue to solve your problem start your ticket so it's clear it's meant for me and I will get right too it, ofc this is not needed. This can be slower or faster depends if I'm online at the time or not. And I would love you guys and girls to follow this Guide I did a few years ago on how to make a ticket so it goes smooth and easy. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=91342 You can also contact me via Skype, you can find my profile on the forums. I'm open for both messages and calls (ofc if I'm busy I can't take your call and then I will leave a message when you can call again). Thank you for reading and hopefully this will help us communicate, Me and you on FUN. Regards, StarCaller
  3. Hello guys and girls! So in this way you will know that it's me and if you want me to continue to solve your problem start your ticket so it's clear it's meant for me and I will get right too it, ofc this is not needed. This can be slower or faster depends if I'm online at the time or not. And I would love you guys and girls to follow this Guide I did a few years ago on how to make a ticket so it goes smooth and easy. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=91342 You can also contact me via Skype, you can find my profile on the forums. I'm open for both messages and calls (ofc if I'm busy I can't take your call and then I will leave a message when you can call again). Thank you for reading and hopefully this will help us communicate. Regards, StarCaller
  4. My feral in PvE SoO when soeone complains about DPS
  5. Yes When I finnished it, some pics are gone but it will get fixed Yes but it only worked for me 1/5 times without the talent. So I did put it in the Guide since it was the method I made it work with.
  6. http://vomzi.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/bye-gif-455.gif
  7. Poop all the pics are gone I will fix that later
  8. #STEP1 [spoiler=You will need the following items:] http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=92426/sealed-tome-of-the-lost-legion http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=5512/healthstone http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=79249/tome-of-the-clear-mind [spoiler=My Backpack] #STEP2 Unlock the http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=92426/sealed-tome-of-the-lost-legion by Right clicking it. You will recive http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=92441/the-codex-of-xerrath [spoiler=My Backpack] #STEP3 After you made your quest item http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=92441/the-codex-of-xerrath use it. [spoiler=You should have gotten this quest:] [spoiler=Now do the following:] Change your talent from what ever you have it as to http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=108499 Then talk to the following Pets: And complete the Quest You will Get this Quest: #STEP4 Now you should go and complete it to your Warlock Trainer in your capital city (Horde = Orgrimmar, Alliance = Stormwind) I will show this as a Horde Side Character, but don't worry I did it on Alliance as well! (proof to all the Alliance players comes in the end of the thread) [spoiler=Let's continue:] After you turned in the Quest you will take this Quest: Then complete all the quest and when this Quest come: You will have to read this book (it can be found close to the Quest giver): #STEP5 [spoiler=Fragments] Yous should have gotten this Quest: To Outland we go! Now for the following part I will just put up pictures on where to find these fragments. [spoiler=Hellfire] Map location: http://i.imgur.com/XpOOxCW.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/uhJ6YgD.jpg [spoiler=Netherstorm] http://i.imgur.com/b3vooxd.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/SbaLxEP.jpg [spoiler=Blade Edge Mountains] http://i.imgur.com/KfnNWAD.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/AIWnlqF.jpg [spoiler=Shadowmoon Valley] http://i.imgur.com/94Fu4g8.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/MjBC8Xy.jpg After you collected all the Quest items it will tell you this: Just go back to your Warlock trainer adn give it in. #STEP6 After this it should be pretty straight forward. Enjoy this guide, I know the pic are low quality but that is becuz it would take to long to load it all in. [spoiler=Regards StarCaller]
  9. Welcome to the club :D http://im2.ezgif.com/tmp/ezgif-3602868222.gif
  10. yepp totally what i wanted to say or use one of these: http://www.bluesurf.com.au/02%20Mens%20Abs1.jpg
  11. http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/walkingdead/images/1/15/What-gif.gif/revision/latest?cb=20140919125210
  12. is it only my fire mage that looks like this in 2v2? http://images.shape.mdpcdn.com/sites/shape.com/files/u874/basset-hound-running-gif.gif
  13. http://vomzi.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/12-troll-gif-247.gif
  14. I will donate 100$ if you make this cosplay http://f.tqn.com/y/anime/1/S/N/g/DBZ-Cosplay-Ripped04.jpg No joke!
  15. I totally support this system. :dance::clapping::good:
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