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tiggar47 last won the day on June 18 2016

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  1. Nice bump Dogman, Yeah. Enough Exp to make you my bloody coin income whenever I see you :). You mad cus ur bad. Seeking Drama on the forums I see, what a lovely moderator you are :).
  2. There is a paladin somewhere hidden healing himself, he put beacon on him before the duel. He's too bad of a rogue so he probably needs a pala to heal him so he doesn't lose like every other duel. But if generally paladin beacon of light isn't supposed to heal while someone is in duel, it is indeed "bug" usage. Edit: I did some research, Beacon of Light like every other healing spell isn't supposed to heal while someone is engaged in a duel, so this should be considered as bug abuse. It is both Paladin's and the person with the beacon fault if used this way, because if the person with the beacon chooses not to "abuse" it, they can simply remove it. Definition of bug abuse: Someone who uses a exploit to there advantage. "Bug Abuse is an act of finding a glitch or bug in a game by accident or intentionally, and exploiting it for an unfair advantage in a game." Beacon of light is not supposed to heal players while they're in duel, like every other healer spell. Tl;dr this is Bug Abuse.
  3. Name: Mjnacroticko Description: 3rd party that allows instant teleportation, picks up a flag and teleports. Realm: x100/Cross Proof: https://imgur.com/a/Ueg6cRd Additional: I'm not sure if its sufficient proof, I don't do much bg thus I didn't report this many times. Couldn't record. Also I'm not sure if my friend having a background chat is acceptable. One of the screenshots was taken from Friends POV when I told him.
  4. He's already banned by Bukarasik I believe. Screenshot was posted on Discord, and he's banned by Bukarasik. Correct me if I'm wrong.
  5. I think this server is far from blizzlike, but it's less time consuming to do some things so that's a good thing
  6. Name of the violator: Kyure Realm, where you saw the violation. x100 Description of the violation: Ninja loot or scam, not completly sure if not both. Took the loot for himself, it's unfairf for the rest of the group. Proof: https://imgur.com/a/68wOBEi Comments to the situation: Loot was set to free for all, but the rule was that everyone has to roll for the item. As seen in the chat Bollz clearly won the item "Shoulders of the Cursed Protector" But Kyure just took them and left. Since he insta went away, I think his intention are clear.
  7. You shouldn't be speaking for everyone, speak only for yourself. We shouldn't go off topic and dramatize over the fact that you're toxic. I'll stop you right here :)
  8. Don't return them, just claim them and delete the item. It should work.
  9. How about you simply check out and resolve the issue on your own instead of complaining about it on the forum for attention, I am pretty sure there is some explanation on how and why you don't see Ring of Frost on the www.
  10. 1. Name of not working spell: Cloak of Shadows 2. Description of the problem. Cloak of Shadows not providing immunity against Sha Splash 3.How it must work. Cloak of Shadows is supposed to provide immunity against Sha Splash. 4.Date when you tested it. 24/05/2018 5.Realm: x100 6.Priority of the problem: 7-8 At certain situations when Cloak of Shadows is supposed to be used its rendered useless.
  11. Like I stated before: I believe full grieve is arena ready gear, might not be as best but the point of soloQ is that you get randoms, they can't be always good players. Therefor 520+ ilvl and lower queue times are better overall.
  12. 1. Name of the user. Noneedholy 2. Link of his profile.http://forum.pandawow.ru/member.php?u=52012 3. Paragraph of the forum rules which has been broken by the user. 2.8 2.8. 30 days. 4. Violation: https://imgur.com/a/2jG33WB "Venereal diseases" - Sexually transmited disease 5. Additional: Roughly toxic person.
  13. 522 should be minimum req. to join. Even if these changes were made it would heavily increase queue times which is not worth it.
  14. Level 90 dummy is more "realistic", thou there are low level Dummies in capital city and with teleporter it's not so hard to get from them to dueling zone. But the idea isn't that bad, dummies are always usefull for testing something.
  15. You're just mad we're camping you in your shrine, there is no teleport hack there. Also, issuficient evidence.
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