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Everything posted by Gypso

  1. They may have possibly bought it from the shop.
  2. http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=144389#comments - The buff the hunter received is called [The Crowd Chose You! ! !] As said in the comment of the ability "This is awarded to the team that has the most players alive and has gotten the most players closest to death." So even though you have lived for 15 mins or more if the other team has put you guys to low health more they will receive the buff. Hope this helped.
  3. Your post isn't valid as a bug report its just a post that's random like others that say fix this and etc. What you need to do is put the raid as a bug report showing the date you tested (or done it), realm you are on, priority, raid name, how it works, and how it should work. Also it be best that you get screenshots as well to show proof or evidence and have links on how the raid works. [WoWhead, WoWpedia, Retail Videos, or Youtube Videos].
  4. Yes thats true but this was a test duel no defensives were popped. No damage was dealt at all on the warrior. I've even tried in bgs before and still no damage reflected back to the karma target.
  5. Date Tested: 03/29/2014 Realm: 100x Spell: http://db.pandawow.me?spell=122470#modifiedhttp-by [Windwalker] Priority 10/10 How it Works: Targets with http://db.pandawow.me?spell=122470#modifiedhttp-by do not take all of the mitigated damage. How it Should Work: Targets with http://db.pandawow.me?spell=122470#modifiedhttp-by should take a large or some of the damage caused by Touch of Karma if the monk is being attacked. [*NOTE* Reflected karma damage should be dealt as Nature Damage aswell which it isn't doing.] Screenshots: http://i62.tinypic.com/30wbfp4.jpg - Touch of Karma applied. http://i61.tinypic.com/107qpat.jpg - Touch of Karma limit by passed from burst but no damage redirected towards Warrior.
  6. Date Tested: 3/19/2014 Issue: No Points and Loss of Rating Realm: 100x How it Works: When you enter arena and there's no one on the other side and the match starts you win the game, but lose rating and gain no points. How it Should Work: Your team should be granted http://www.wowhead.com/currency=390#reward-from-q and small rating. Screenshot: http://i61.tinypic.com/1zvtjk3.jpg
  7. Date: 3/21/2014 Issue: [http://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=64028#comments] Missing NPC Realm: 100x How it Works: http://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=64028 Missing at the Shrine of Seven Stars How it Should Work: http://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=64028 Should be at the Shrine of Seven Stars selling challenge mode gear. Screenshot: http://i61.tinypic.com/2qnrxqb.jpg
  8. Because what you are showing is just both of you alive he has his cds blown rdy to kill someone and in your second screenshot you just show the damage that you took and you do not show the combat log to see what killed you, but instead you just see your dead corpse. If you wanted it to be a valid post the combat log would have helped. The admins just can't take your word for it maybe they will investigate it, but they won't be for sure about it.
  9. This isn't exactly proof. Your just showing damage numbers which mean they could just be high Chaos Bolt hits. You should have shown the Combat log to see exactly what it was.
  10. I Lol at the fact you say hackers play Unholy spec who do millions of dmg. I play Unholy DK on 100x realm and I do fine with it cause I know how the spec works and 70k to now 90k??? Yeah that seems "very" right for FrostDKs especially since Resilence is up to 70% and everyone hits above average or normal damage. http://i62.tinypic.com/mm2zv4.jpg - My DK as Unholy. Not so complicated to play. I see topic invalid and pointless.
  11. You are on the wrong topic buddy this is a suggestion idea for the fun realm. If you have a problem with a class you should discuss it on a different forum thread.
  12. You need more info then just saying it doesn't work. Post links from WoWhead or WoWpedia to show some proof on how the passive spell/ability works, but I do agree Vengeance needs a fix its very important for tanks.
  13. What in the world are you talking about?
  14. Date: 03/04/2014 Issue: Bugged consumption and increased healing effect. Spell: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=85804#modified-by [specialization: Holy] Realm: 100x Priority: 10/10 How it works: Casting Divine Light, and Holy Radiance do not consume stack(s) of http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=85804#modified-by and does not give increased healing effect which makes both spells being spammed quickly or instantly depending on stack for the rest of its duration till refreshed. *NOTE* ( [Holy] "Judgements also generate a charge of Holy Power and Divine Light, and Holy Radiance are also affected" ) Does not work aswell. How it Should Work: Divine Light and Holy Radiance should consume all stacks of Selfless Healer, have increased healing effects, and should generate Holy Power. [Holy Spec only] (Judgement aswell should generate Holy Power) Screenshots: http://i57.tinypic.com/1675qxh.jpg - 1st Stack of Selfless Healer not consumed. [Divine Light Used] http://i59.tinypic.com/121945t.jpg - 2nd Stack of Selfless Healer not consumed. [Divine Light Used] http://i58.tinypic.com/2n7ux5.jpg - 3rd Stack of Selfless Healer not consumed. [Holy Radiance Used 3 Times]
  15. Date: 03/05/2014 10:41 PM (Central Standard Time) Issue: Bugged Graveyards Priority 10/10 Realm: 100x Instance: The Battle for Gilneas [http://wowpedia.org/The_Battle_for_Gilneas#Official_overview] How it works: Upon death you port to enemy graveyards instead of your own. ( enemy controlled nodes ) How it should work: You Should only teleport to your starter graveyard or to the control node graveyards you own. Screenshot: http://i62.tinypic.com/mrqqa.jpg ( What is shown is me at a enemy graveyard instead of my own )
  16. Hello. I have some suggestions that can make fun realm a little better and make it an actual fun realm. 1. A Neutral zone mall for both factions. ( Shattrah, Dalaran, Custom Areas, and etc ) ( Duel Zone also a good idea ) 2. Proffesions instantly maxed to 600. ( With all plans learned ) 3. Starter Gear vendors revamped with Tyrannical Gear ( With Off piece as well with elite and normal pieces ) ( Starter PvE gear is an option aswell for players who wanna do PvE raids for practice for their main raids on 10x or 100x realm ) 4. Custom Vendor's with transmog gear and weapons from raids, dungeons, quests, PvP seasons, and etc. ( tabard and shirt vendors would be good as well ) 5. All new characters equipped with 28 slot bags ( http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=82446 ) and glyphs already learned saving players time. 6. Cross faction PvP. Like from Arena tournament have both factions fight together so one faction isn't overpowered. ( Example: mix of horde and alliance vs another mix of horde and alliance ) This is all I got for now if I ever got anymore ideas I'll update this.
  17. Date Tested: 3/2/2014 Realm: 100x Priorty: 10 Spell: Reaping Link to death knight ability. http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=56835. This is very important for unholy death knights to be playable but this one ability isn't working. It is supposed to give Death Runes from blood and frost. How it Works:Blood Strike, Blood Boil, Pestilence, Icy Touch, and Festering Strike does not convert runes into Death runes. How it Should work: Blood Strike, Blood Boil, Pestilence, Icy Touch, and Festering Strike are supposed to convert blood and frost runes into death runes. http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=56835 Screenshots: http://i58.tinypic.com/65s8qw.jpg [blood Strike used] http://i59.tinypic.com/20rmfyu.jpg [blood Boil used] http://i61.tinypic.com/96ibyc.jpg [Pestilence used] http://i61.tinypic.com/6oj610.jpg [icy Touch used] http://i62.tinypic.com/mw9nbp.jpg [Fester Strike used] note: These abilities I used not one rune was converted into a Death Rune.
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