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Everything posted by nikifor96

  1. Sry i'm not english teacher,are you grammar nazzi?
  2. sold.thanks
  3. I meant this druid was 2.5k or maybe you are too dumb to understand what I mean?
  4. night elf female with 3 specs(balance,resto,feral) tmog sets,2.5 exp,reps,40 titles,inscription/tailoring on max,for 847bonuses(inc taxes),name:miynerva
  5. I deleted my druid and created new char with the same name,and then I wanted to restore my druid and change his name,but it costs 81 bonuses,why?you said it will cost additional 1 bonus,not 81 is it because,I need to delete my druid with my current PC(IP address) and create a char with same name with another PC(another IP address)? I just don't know..
  6. Sold,thanks
  7. WTS 550 Unh DK 550 item lvl with Blood spec items name: Nexow bonuses: minimal Info:JC/BS on max(have a lot of learned gems),donate transmog(Battlegear of the lost catacomb,Shadowmourne,Jewel of the firelord),almost exalted with shado pan assault,3 char bound mounts and a lot of titles and stuff [ATTACH=CONFIG]94980[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]94981[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]94982[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]94983[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]94984[/ATTACH] x100 realm,ally
  8. Sold,thanks for the fast purchase.peace to the buyer:don't make it male draenei or change name to "noskill" "proshamanlolzxd" or stuff,it's my precious char,don't desecrate it :D
  9. Hello everyone,I want to sell Female Draenei Shaman from x100 realm.The following details are: Here you can check my titles: [ATTACH=CONFIG]94569[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]94570[/ATTACH] I have 3 full specs,here is the proof(also you can inspect me in the website): [ATTACH=CONFIG]94571[/ATTACH] I have 40 exalted reputations: [ATTACH=CONFIG]94572[/ATTACH] I have a lot of transmog items,I'm lazy to make SS of them,you can check in the website,just have around 5-6 sets and donate items,including crown of eternal winter and stuff(personal bank and void storage and inventory is full with items(transmog items and prideful for Ele,Enh,Resto) I have 34k conquest points,you can still buy prideful items or for god sake if they release prideful elite version... :D : [ATTACH=CONFIG]94573[/ATTACH] This character is total 2.8 exp(2.5 last season,you can see it in the previous image): [ATTACH=CONFIG]94574[/ATTACH] I have 2 char bound mounts(I was planning to buy them for bonuses,but jesus saved me by fixing the achievements :D ): [ATTACH=CONFIG]94575[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]94576[/ATTACH] I have BS/Tailoring on max(including malevolent recipes) I sell it for 1400 bonuses,it's too precious :D Realm: x100 Name: Nexow If you need more info,reply on my post and I will edit it.
  10. it's blizzlike and it's supposted to be added?do you even know what does "blizzlike" means?
  11. Name of not working spell: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=159974/rockbiter-weapon Description of the problem: When i use it,enemy don't have decreased damage done. How it should work: When I use it,I should have 5% less damage taken realm: x100 date tested: 30.09.15
  12. does Wargame works?
  13. Don't work :D I think only reinstalling wow will solve this,just if it was from addon,my shammy would be bugged too,but it's ok,only my priest is bugged :D
  14. I restarted it,but still nothing, I wrote /disableaddons and still shit..I tried to repair from website,nothing happens,this problem is only on my priest only,my shammy is ok
  15. Hi,just I have priest and shaman,the shaman is cool,but when I'm with my priest,and I invite my friends,but it don't show,and when I do duels,it don't show that the duel started.I deleted wtf interface cache,restarted settings at interface and nothing happens,can someone help me?
  16. WTS 550 unholy/frost dk (ally) with 2 proffs on max,a lot of recipes for malevolent,a lot of reputations to exalted and character bound titles,have a lot of transmogs and stuff bonuess: 781(including taxes) name: Alliany
  17. I received email from my friend,but he didnt sent it?how can u explain this?
  18. yes,just I received mail with useless junk from my friend and I asked her why she sent me that and she said that she didnt,Idk how it happens :D
  19. why do you give me advice how to skip it?the report is that it dont work and need to be fixed,as every dungeon/raid/instance,I dont need ways to skip it. ok,give me 50 bonuses for every item from every bugged loot and I will buy it?ofc I must buy the whole loot from ragnaros/deathwing/ICC Gunship,because it dont work?sry,I play wow to do pve and pvp,not to create chars and sell them to buy items which are not added in-game lol?what's the point of useless fixes like 2 tabards and reps?****** was with erased data and they are almost better than pwow(not yet,but will be soon) and they fixed more bugs than pandawow in 2 months?Because their staff members are more experienced and know how to do their job,not drinking vodka and fixing 2 tabards,because it's easier than ICC gunship,and anyways,half of the bug reports are declined,because they don't speak english and don't understand it(Uragaanu said it) lol
  20. it does,or at least on earlier patches
  21. soon will be almost 3 :D there are more important bugs like mage can oneshot you in Ring of frost,Dampening don't affect Necros/Dpriest's Shields,but their changelog is like:guys,we celebrate tomorrow that we fixed 2 tabards!what's the point to fix easy shit,instead of game breaking bugs?I also have posts since 2014 without answer lol yes,since they don't speak english,they won't answer soon,maybe they will start to answer after 1-2 years when they learned english good enough but you are right,I like your answer :D
  22. Yes! 10/10 ! I want to get very cool shield for transmog from this gunship, I dont have unlimited bonuses to buy everything from the website,although something must work in-game too,right? :D very cool P.S Adam Lambert - Whataya Want from Me.mp3 my fav song
  23. Very true,please,fix it,there are nice tmog items
  24. xaxaxaax rofl
  25. http://i.imgur.com/mliFn7q.jpg?1 ? don't you see that he used death grip?
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