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Everything posted by Trexar

  2. its not fun when you trying to get heirloom and its cos 3,5k jp :/ to bad you can't trade honor for jp any more :(
  3. confirmed on 10x when you take soul link you cant use health funnel.
  4. So i waited and still have same problem that char wit alt code name still got it and i cant get any mail on my char. :/
  5. Turn Off Arathi Basin on 10x server its bugged and you cant play it, and every time you get ab you need to leave and wait 15min to play pvp(deserter). Google Translate: Выключить Arathi Basin на 10x сервере его прослушивают и вы не можете играть в нее, и каждый раз, когда вы получаете AB вам нужно оставить и ждать 15 минут, чтобы играть PvP (дезертира).
  6. ok ill check later when he do it, and tell you if its help.
  7. look at your private message
  8. fix char not helping at all you need to wait until dungeon are reseted and then you can enter normal.
  9. its not only me some member from guild got this and my friend have same problem yesterday i was have this only on one char today i got it on 2.
  10. yes and only this one char dont getting mail but today second char didn't get mail from different char :/. its starting to spread.
  11. yes and it have 25lvl.
  12. Yes i check it few times and it was correct. But mail didn't come. And today my friend say he got same problem with hes char.
  13. So i send gold and items from one of my char to another and mail didn't show up from 2 days fixing char not help so i write here maybe some one know how to fix it?
  14. Problem with DC still exist so that fix didn't work at all.
  15. why tomorrow -.-? we cant play their are like DC every 5min and its making huge rollback
  16. After new changelog there is so much DC why?? Who bugging something or what is bugged and make DC:mad:?
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