1. x10 rate server, and a x100 rate server and my personal favorite insta 90 server (its called the Fun server)
2. Most stuff works, but there are a few bugs here and there like any private server, i play many private servers and this one seems to have the LEAST amount of bugs!
3. If you can afford it, you can get the best gear in the game with real money so it CAN be pay to win, but its very expensive! Its like 10 dollars for one piece of gear! But you will run into some donators who paid to be good! Sometimes you cant avoid it, but with this realms 2 caps a week system, you can also easily get your gear! :)
4. This server is one of the most up to date servers out there, and they fix bugs and stuff daily!
5. There is A LOT of english speaking players! At least in the Fun realm. Just find yourself an English only guild and you're golden!
6. All realms are ran on the same patch now so you can play all the servers with one download :)!
*My opinion of the game* It is a very good private server, it is my favorite! Donators dont have complete control of the game, i have seen only like 1 or 2 maxed out donators so dont worry about that, the pvp is great the Fun server is usually instant bg ques and a great way to learn new classes. Sorry if i am posting this a little late, i just saw this. If you need any more questions answered i can try to answer them! I am just a mere normal member so i dont know everything but i can answer many questions if needed!