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  1. лог акка arethea 1) Jeshia 2) Не заходил 1 день, на следующий прихожу и перса нету, данные акка не давал 3) По IP я живу в Киеве на левом берегу, а кто украл перса я не знаю и как перевёл тем более, почта и телефон привязаны к акку 4) Требую что бы мне объяснили что делать в данной ситуации
  2. Ник - Кунгфуманда Время - 21:17 БГ Играю в вов на бг, и в ворлде чел пишет в мой адрес "ебал твою мать" Мне не очень обидно - но жду наказание для этого человека) [ATTACH=CONFIG]132523[/ATTACH]
  3. Ник лока на акке Youbeachmoth Играю на х100 5.4.8 скачано с торрента Не могу зайти на акк, пишет "установка связи" или "соединение разорвано" как только ввел пароль и начал авторизацию. После "соединение разорвано" пытаюсь ещё раз зайти и выбивает ошибку. На другие акки захожу спокойно. На этом акке бана нету.[ATTACH=CONFIG]131827[/ATTACH] я бы скинул фотку ещё одну, с рабочего стола, но не могу ибо пишет "ошибка загрузки"
  4. в чате всё написано -_-[ATTACH=CONFIG]131278[/ATTACH] прошу выдать бан Ник Старфаер
  5. Ги я не знаю))) Но ГМ норм, встречал его) Помогал не много
  6. Guys I changed 1 thing in my code, please check my post again!! You change the line: ##OptionalDeps: Blizzard_DebugTools, Blizzard_PetJournal, SharedMedia, Tukui, SunnArt to ##OptionalDeps: SharedMedia or you might lose your settings in-game with SavedVariables.
  7. I had this problem aswell, so I checked the Logs --> FrameXML, and saw this: Frame PetBattlePrimaryUnitTooltip: Unknown script element OnClick Loading add-on ElvUI ** Loading table of contents Interface\AddOns\ElvUI\ElvUI.toc Couldn't open Interface\AddOns\ElvUI\ Couldn't open Interface\AddOns\ElvUI\ So I went into my Interface --> AddOns --> ElvUI --> ElvUI.toc Open it up and it should look like this: ## Interface: 50400 ## Author: Elv ## Version: 6.991 ## Title: |cff1784d1ElvUI|r ## Notes: User Interface replacement AddOn for World of Warcraft. ## SavedVariables: ElvDB, ElvPrivateDB ## SavedVariablesPerCharacter: ElvCharacterDB [color="#FF0000"]## OptionalDeps: Blizzard_DebugTools, Blizzard_PetJournal,[/color] SharedMedia, [color="#FF0000"]Tukui, SunnArt[/color] ## X-oUF: ElvUF developer\load_developer.xml libs\load_libs.xml locales\load_locales.xml media\load_media.xml init.lua config\load_config.xml core\load_core.xml layout\load_layout.xml modules\load_modules.xml ## X-Tukui-ProjectID: -2 ## X-Tukui-ProjectFolders: ElvUI_Config, ElvUI Now delete the Blizzard_DebugTools, Blizzard_PetJournal, Tukui, SunnArt in ## OptionalDeps: line and it should work again. Will look like this: ## Interface: 50400 ## Author: Elv ## Version: 6.991 ## Title: |cff1784d1ElvUI|r ## Notes: User Interface replacement AddOn for World of Warcraft. ## SavedVariables: ElvDB, ElvPrivateDB ## SavedVariablesPerCharacter: ElvCharacterDB [color="#00FF00"]## OptionalDeps: SharedMedia[/color] ## X-oUF: ElvUF developer\load_developer.xml libs\load_libs.xml locales\load_locales.xml media\load_media.xml init.lua config\load_config.xml core\load_core.xml layout\load_layout.xml modules\load_modules.xml ## X-Tukui-ProjectID: -2 ## X-Tukui-ProjectFolders: ElvUI_Config, ElvUI Hope it helps! :clapping: Make sure to make a backup of the .toc file before you change it!
  8. I agree this shit is broken and has been for a long time. I'm so sick of it getting killed by backpeddling clickers who started playing WoW yesterday. If you get stunned by a rogue, then a paladin, then a monk etc, there's where the DR fucks up. Seems like DR only works for each player, and not the spell itself. Because if I 1v1 a rogue there will be DR as supposed to on the stunns. But not multiple classes. Also fear is broken as fuck. It won't break on anything. Not only warlocks, it's all fear effects. Take a priest for example. Full duration psychic scream then full duration from psyfiend and it won't break from any damage. Warrior intimidating shout then bladestorm. Won't break even with a fucking "traincopter" annihilating you. I mean wtf.......
  9. Arethea

    DR Bug

    I was mainly talking about BG. But I guess the same goes for 5v5 if anyone play that, I only play 2v2 so I don't have the problem there. I don't get why I'm retarded though. This is a known bug and should be fixed a long time ago. But I guess if you go afk during BG's etc you won't notice it.
  10. Arethea

    DR Bug

    When are you ever going to fix the damn Diminishing return bug? This is supposed to be a PvP server. How the hell are you supposed to PvP with 1 of the most important things in PvP when it's broken? If I for example fight a rogue, there will be DR on the stunns as supposed to. It gets less for each time I get stunned all the way to immune. This works. However, when multiply classes are CCing you the DR won't work at all. You get endless stunned and feared. No chanse in hell to get immune to it. How are we supposed to PvP on this server when first a rogue stunns you, then a warrior comes, after that a Monk, and then it all starts over again. If I PvP trinket I get stunned and it all starts over again. Same goes with all fear effects + fear effects won't break on any damage at all. This is the most important bug on the server that needs a fix and needed it yesterday. But it seems like a low lvl quest in Desolace has higher priority.
  11. What does the persons keybinds, or lack of them, have anything at all to do with this report? Let the people play exactly as they desire and mind your own business. This shit with keybinds has gone on since late vanilla and was getting old yesterday. We all started with clicking the spells when we started playing this game. You have no idea how long the person you mock has been playing. Seeing a person like Matukaa, who is supposed to help and support the players on this server, act like that makes me sick. You should be ashamed of yourself. If you don't have anything important to contribute, simply don't respond to the threads at all. And no, I'm not a clicker or umadbro? I'm just sick of seeing this all the time on important threads like this.
  12. Still no fix for this....
  13. Bump...
  14. Make your own damn bug report for that then. This is about my report. Don't derail it with shit you think is bugged then.
  15. Why is it not important? For you maybe, not for the rest of us who like to do other things then getting rekt in bg's/arenas from abusers. There are more things on this server than PvP. If you don't like it don't even comment on this bug report, as a matter of fact don't even read it since it doesn't concern you. Merc out.
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