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  1. English speakers on x100 LUL, and honestly even if you got a partner i'm like 80% sure there are like 10 other twinks to queue against.. if i'm wrong and the twink population is actually decently high, I will make a twink and a twink guild.. for the boys.
  2. Full Cmode, 1 Donated set, few donated hats, 3 donated mounts, couple of donated weapons. Nothing special really, price is 770 (Minimum.) Name is (Cashflowx) on shop.
  3. Not sure if this is the right place to put this, seeing as there's no official Suggestion section (which there should be if i'm gonna be honest) I'd like to be instantly create a guild without having to get signatures. I've played many servers where this is implemented, which means it's fully doable. Honestly no reason for it not to be added, but if someone gives me a good reason why it SHOULDN'T be added, i'd rethink my choice.
  4. Please implement a 1v1 arena system, 100 Conquest a win, no healer specs allowed to queue, would make playing the server a lot more enjoyable.
  5. because this server doesn't want you to have fun or get any enjoyment out of playing it.
  6. Thought this would be another shit meme, you did well actually. This was pretty funny, thanks for a good laugh.
  7. did you actually just a link a video of you botting???
  8. still for sale?
  9. Yo think you can take the character off the store for a bit until I get my bonuses? should get them later, i'll message you when i've got them.. if you want. ?
  10. post screenshots of bags/bank/character etc
  11. calm down nerds, it's a private server.. rating means nothing.
  12. Nah, I want one because why would I waste my time doing Arenas on a private server where rating doesn't matter, instead of using my time wisely and doing them on retail? You're not too bright are you? Yeah, please consider suicide buddy.
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